Thursday, January 19, 2017


From Washington Post 
"It’s not the first time this month that Senate Democrats have disappointed their more activist House colleagues.
Just two weeks ago, during the official tally of the electoral college, House Democrats repeatedly lodged complaints regarding Russian interference, voter access to polling places and other allegations.
But no senator joined the protest; as a result, the objection could not even be considered under the complex rules of the electoral college. “It’s over,” said Vice President Biden, who presided at the event.
[Luis Gutierrez was one of the first democrat in the House Of Representatives to declare he would not be at the inauguration. But,] Lewis took the attack on Trump to a higher level during an interview taped Friday with NBC’s “Meet the Press.”  " 

After Trump attacked Civil Rights Hero John Lewis, more than 60 members of the House decided to boycott the inauguration -- that's more than one-third of the democratic caucus.

Know what this means? We have to punish democratic senators that don't stand up.  If they can't risk not gong to an inauguration or challenging an election that's been tampered with, then what kind of war are they going to wage against the 57% of white voters that voted for white supremacy, misogyny, anti-immigrant, and anti-muslim rhetoric? 

The democratic party, including the senators, need to respond to people of color and the approximately 1/3 of white people who voted against Trump and defeat the mostly white racist, misogynistic, anti-immigrant, islamophobes. 

When the Tea Party decided to punish Eric Cantor for appearing to cooperate with President Obama, they voted him off the republican ticket. That is, Eric Cantor didn't lose to a democrat during an election. Those Tea Party fools made sure Cantor, a high profile incumbent, didn't get the nomination during the republican primary. They replaced him with someone more verbally violent.

Do you know what that means? That means we can do the same thing to ineffective senators during democratic primaries.

Corey Booker, for example, stuck his neck out to testify during the Sessions nomination hearings. And that's important. It's more important than skipping the inauguration in reality. But his INABILITY to skip the inauguration may be a sign of his ultimate spinelessness. He may only stick his neck out when he's looking for a good sound bite. If Sessions is confirmed, that's all his sticking his neck out will turn out to be -- a great soundbite. I'm watching him. 

I'm watching them all.

We need to take a page out of the Tea Party playbook. We need a scorch the earth attitude while Mean Tangerine is in office.

 If you're not for us, your against us. 
If you're not moving for us, we remove you in a primary. 

We need to watch and see just how hard these senators work to keep some of Trump's unqualified, conflict of interest having nominees like Jeff Sessions for the nation's Top Cop (Coretta Scott King basically identified him a racist) and Rex Tillerson  (Exxon Guy) for Energy Secretary out of positions of power.  These senators don't have to win each and every battle, but they need to step out and do battle. If they don't step out and do battle, we need to remove them during a primary.

So here we are: All of the democratic senators decided they would not take a symbolic stand on inauguration day.

I say this means we should all take a look at the method of replacing them during our nomination process ahead of time. We should prepare to make these senators pay for inaction. If we can do remove and replace just a couple of Senators for a failure to act, the other democratic senators and democratic hopefuls in the remaining 48 states will sit up and take notice.

A ground swell of hate took over the republican party. A ground swell of we-will-hold-you-accountable can take over the democratic party if we make it happen. 

We the people, on the democratic side, need to take our power back.

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