Wednesday, April 18, 2018



In 2005, Mrs. Bush toured the Astrodome Complex with her husband, former President George H.W. Bush, where displaced victims of Hurricane Katrina were sleeping on cots and on the ground waiting for more permanent shelter. 

The visit to the Astrodome was meant to counter criticism of her son's obvious lack of responses to black and brown victims in New Orleans.

But Barbara Bush followed this tour up by doing a radio program interview where she said, 
"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas... so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway," she said, "so this is working very well for them."
I stopped asking myself this question long ago, but you might want to ask yourself if this statement of hers was...
  • Classist?
  • Racist? 
  • Either? 
  • Or Both?
She said this after her incompetent, callous son, the president, and the incompetent man he hired to head FEMA,  Michael D. Brown  --of "Brownie', you're doing a heckuva job" fame-- watched dead black and brown bodies float through New Orleans in newly formed rivers of water and mud without much movement to get emergency services moving toward the area to assist victims....who were mostly black, brown, and poor.

Bush Jr. didn't even end his vacation when Hurricane Katrina hit. Nearly 1600 people died in Louisiana alone, and yet it was two or three days before Bush-The-Younger ended his vacation. And he still didn't visit the area on the ground, as is standard for presidents in such catastrophes. Instead, Bush flew over the flooded ninth ward in Air Force one, looking rather blase' about the whole thing.
Maybe he was ticked all those black and brown dead bodies meant he had to end his vakay early?

Then his mother, Barbara Bush, comes along to do damage control and essentially communicates, 
'Those people haven't got anything to complain about, sleeping on cots and on the ground in a sporting arena. They're poor. They're used to this. This is working out great for them, maybe even better than the place they used to live in.'  

Hellish attitude. Now the white mainstream media is talking about how she was a straight shooter and blunt.

She was, indeed, unmistakably blunt and to the point. 
Yep, the white supremacy and/or class supremacy came out straight, no chaser.

Barbara Bush is dead. I'm sorry for her family. But even on the day of her death, they don't get to tell the hero-story instead of the history.

We're all Americans. And a largish percentage of the non-white section of America do not appreciate the whitewash being done on Babs right now.

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