Friday, June 29, 2018


The Neuroscience of Dance

  • Dance is a fundamental form of human expression that likely evolved together with music as a way of generating rhythm.
  • It requires specialized mental skills. One brain area houses a representation of the body's orientation, helping to direct our movements through space; another serves as a synchronizer of sorts, enabling us to pace our actions to music.

Whatever right?



Thursday, June 28, 2018





Wednesday, June 27, 2018


feeling rebloggy


71 year old songwriter Neville Livingston aka Bunny Wailer is putting a rumor to rest by clarifying that the Electric Slide, also known as the Electric Boogie is indeed about a vibrator. 
Rumors of the songs meaning began circulating on social media a few weeks ago and everyone has been desperate for answers. According to a source close to Livingston, word of the question about the origins of the song reached him in Kingston, Jamaica where he currently resides and he put the rumors to rest. 
"I'm surprised it took people this long to figure out" the source tells us he said.  Apparently Livingston wrote the song after a girlfriend told him she didn't need him because she had a toy she nicknamed the "electric slide" 

Lets examine the lyrics:
It's electric! 
You can't see it (it's electric!) 
You gotta feel it (it's electric!)
Ooh, it's shakin' (it's electric!)
She's a pumpin' like a matic 
She's a movin' like electric 
She sure got the boogie
You gotta know it 
(It's electric 
Boogie woogie, woogie!)


feeling rebloggy
Other honorees include Tyler Perry, Cedric “The Entertainer”, Daniel Craig, Robert De Niro, Guillermo del Toro, Anne Hathaway


cha-cha-ing while feeling rebloggy
Several of Alison Ettel's business relationships bit the dust after she called the police about an 8 year old black girl selling bottled water. 
Magnolia Oakland dispensary, a company that provides adults with medicine with cannabis, posted a statement on Instagram announcing its decision to discontinue the sale of TreatWell's products hours after the incident. Since then, several other weed dispensaries have severed ties with Ettel's business according to VICE



The Video that started it all is here.
    Watch her try to hide once she knows she's being filmed.

We're chipping away at the white supremacy. This kind of win, though small, was unheard of just 10 years ago. To go for the big wins, to take down the Ethnoracist-In-Chief for example, we have to vote -- in elections big and small


Tuesday, June 26, 2018


This was expected, the day he won the presidency and we knew he'd be able to put a covert(?)/overt(?) white supremacist nominee on the supreme court.

This day was coming the day Obama didn't get his Supreme Court pick (and we should have raised holy hell endlessly over that.)

This day was coming the day Hillary Clinton lost.  

Read More:

So are you keeping track of Trump's racist wins lately?
1. The NFL is going to fine players for kneeling and supporting BLACK LIVES MATTER 
2. His ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY at the border, designed to keep brown people out was separating children from their parents just last week. And now these children are supposed to go to jail WITH their parents indefinitely -
-- which will actually be illegal once three weeks have passed. You can't keep children in any sort of make-shift prison for more than 20 days.
3. And now he's gotten his racist MUSLIM BAN passed. Black and brown people both,  can't even apply to live here legally if there from certain countries  (--unless they have a rich-corporate connection and promised job at a place like Amazon or Google, I'm assuming)

The white racist republicans are solidifying their position.
They hate everybody they perceive as not-white no matter how pale skinned they actually are -- which brings us to Puerto Rico


Have you looked at news from Puerto Rico lately? 
A Harvard study estimates 4600 people are dead there, mostly as a result of us NOT responding to the storm damage from Hurricane Maria (as if the people that live there are white and therefore matter) Thousands are still without power 9 months later. And now hurricane season is here again.

Read More: 

The only thing that might save us before voting takes place in November is Apricot Jackass's own stupidity.
This idiot is simultaneously starting a trade war.

Trump has put all kinds of taxes on goods coming from China, Canada, and the European Union and they've created retaliatory taxes on the stuff we export to them. The one-percent, no matter how racist they are their core, the green of money counts more than the white of skin.  




"BlackPAC is an independent, Black-led organization that uses the power of year-round political engagement and elections to change our economic, justice, and political systems.
We are committed to long-term, sustained engagement with Black voters. We don’t just show up in communities to ask for their votes. We knock on their doors, we engage online, we make the phone calls, and we listen year-round to ideas and concerns of Black voters." 
Read More on BlackPAC's efforts
Do even more reading before you become involved via this group. 


A super PAC has raised millions to mobilize black voters. Does it matter that its funders are white?

BlackPAC’s financial resources, for one, do not come from an army of small-dollar, “grassroots” donors in the style of a politician such as Bernie Sanders. Instead, its primary bankrollers are a coterie of well-heeled organizations with deep ties to the national Democratic Party, such as the pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC Priorities USA Action.
These groups, in turn, are funded in large part by wealthy, white men. Liberal, “dark money” nonprofit groups that don’t publicly disclose the identities of their own contributors are also among BlackPAC’s bankrollers.
Which leaves some to wonder: Is BlackPAC little more than a convenient rent-a-group for wealthy Democratic interests struggling to connect with black voters in a post-Barack Obama political era?
BlackPAC’s executive director, Adrianne Shropshire, said an upstart group such as hers can’t achieve its activist goals without a significant infusion of cash....

BlackPAC is funded by white liberals but so was the NAACP. In fact, too many white people were in positions of power in the early days, but that was unavoidable in 1909.

And if you know even a little bit of the history of the NAACP, white liberals being involved in black bids for social equality and political power is never problem free. But there is no debate about the fact that the NAACP has been a critical part of our history and a critical part of black progress. 

We just have to watch black run organizations whose steam is being provided by white donors. That's just a given.

Due to white supremacy the black community doesn't always have enough grassroots black dollars to fund these kinds of things on its own. And then there's the simple fact that a lot of black people despair of the political process altogether. 

And that political despair is a major factor in the Orange Sociopath-In-Chief becoming president. Yeah, I know 63% of white men and 53% of white women voted Trump into office, with 81% of mostly white Christians in the mix there too. 

But I always knew we, as black and brown people, were going to have to jump over them with only 1/3rd of white people behind us.  And we had the 1/3rd in 2016. 

We have to jump over the majority of white people in this country. It's that simple. Liking or not liking whoever is on top of the ticket doesn't matter sometimes. In 2016, Hillary Clinton should have been seen as a white weather vane running against a staunch white supremacist Donald Trump.

As for Bernie Sanders? He's a white supremacy enabler.  He and Trump both appealed to the same set of white people during the primaries (look at political maps and check the counties each of them won- in CA and NY they were the same.) 

I don't care if I do agree more strongly with Bernie's financial policies etc -- all he really cares about is how the money is rearranged.  And he is so obsessed with rearranging the capitalism (which I agree with 90%) that he, just like Trump, was willing to provide cover for Trumpthuglican voters. Sanders defended Trumpthuglican voters as "angsty white working class" when it was obvious (to black and brown people) before three or four studies that- 

1) the issues that put Trump over the top were his white supremacist talking points. Trump's popularity increased every time he said or implied *Mexicans are rapists*  and *Muslim Ban* and *Black Lives Matter folks are ungrateful n-words*  
2)  the term "working class" has a definition and a bunch of Trump voters don't meet that definition.
As for Hillary and her "super predator" comment? Nothing about that surprised me. 
The thing that does surprise me is that black people actually think that she deviates from 99% of white liberals. In that moment in time in the 1990s, when she made that statement, it was a popular opinion among white people and some black folks too.  
If you don't believe me, try to find all the white politicians who called her out on that statement. Half the white people in Congress right now are pushing 70 and 80 years of age. A bunch of them were holding office somewhere at the time of the "super predator" comment. 
Try to find Bernie Sanders objection to the comment. I'll wait. I won't hold my breathe because I don't like passing out for the hell of it. 
We have to out vote white people.  And sometimes we have to vote for white people who are not honorary black people  That means we have to know who our friends are (R.I.P. Anthony Bourdain) ; who the weathervanes are (Hillary Clinton); and who the white supremacist dragons are (The Orange Sociopath-In-Chief).   

So read up on BlackPAC and decide if you want to get involved in the political process through them or find another African American political group to get involved through. But make a choice and follow through. 


BlackPAC website


Monday, June 25, 2018


Jada Pinkett Smith and Gabrielle Union have an open discussion about the ups and downs of friendship and the power of sisterhood.



I thought I was going to walk away from this video with some hot gossip on what went wrong between these Jada Pinkett-Smith and Gabrielle Union, but they never really went there. Instead they talked about falling down, getting back up, and seeing yourself as you truly are when you're facing consequences as a result of being your worst self -- just because you were feeling attacked or feeling worthless or feel like you are shrinking.

I feel like I never had enough self-esteem to do the put down thing with other women, back when I was young and foolish. But, unlike Jada and Gabrielle, I was never in a profession like acting, where you actually needed to use your beauty and grace to compete with other women just to get your foot in the door so your talent will be seen. 

But I have had the sensation Union described, that feeling of shrinking when I used to come across another woman who I feel is a lot closer to cookie-cutter perfect than me. 

Actually, I used to describe the feeling as fading, feeling like I was becoming transparent and disappearing.

Apparently, Union's response to this ugly feeling would be to start whispering to others, trying to tear the other woman down  --like that would stop her from feeling like she was being ignored, becoming invisible.  
This part of the talk wasn't knew for me. Union has talked a lot about being a recovered mean-girl in the past.  
Being the opposite of a mean girl myself, but also with low self-esteem, what I tended to do when I was younger was to put myself on the other side of the room so as not to come out looking bad by comparison.  
Avoidance may look like nothing bad is happening to the casual observer. I mean, I wasn't putting anybody else down to build myself up. But I was putting myself down in my own head. But this avoidance has consequences for others too. I didn't just hurt me. 
That avoidance blocked potential relationships and beneficial alliances with other women based on nothing but silent envy or silent jealousy or simply because I filled my own head and heart with self-rejection. I denied other women my wisdom, assistance, my sense of humor and my support. 
After discussing what it took for them to go through their own personal recovery on this issue, Gabrielle and Jada went into their problems people pleasing and codependency...which had been a big issue for me in the past (and still plagues me from time to time) Then they went on to talk about what #MeToo movement means to Gabrielle as a rape survivor.

* * * * *
I'm loving RED TABLE TALK. Catch this series on FACEBOOK WATCH



Jada Pinkett-Smith, her mother and her daughter have created a show where they basically record intimate conversations about love, divorce, getting along with ex-wives with children, body shame, and friendship. Most of the shows I've seen didn't have any guest at all. It was just Jada her daughter Willow and her mother Adrienne Banfield-Jones. 

They are doing the show from their home, which makes it feel even more like three women talking at the kitchen table. The only way I could feel more like I'm there with them is if one of them starts working on the other's hair while they talk.
I can't really describe how much I'm loving this show. But I feel more in touch with myself after each episode so far. They're only 15 to 20 minutes each. And they feel like an uplifting meditations on being a woman in 2018.For me these are the kinds of talks I wish I'd had with my mother and grandmother. There's a level of transparency that you just don't  really see too often in any sort of entertainment media and sometimes not in real life either -- not often enough. 

I really can't recommend RED TABLE TALK enough, especially for young black women. 

* * * * *
The only way for you to understand what RED TABLE TALK is --is to watch an episode for yourself. Find a link below. This particular episode on REBUILDING FRIENDSHIP is one of the first episodes I've seen with a guest star: Gabrielle Union



Sunday, June 24, 2018


Raised up in the church, I was taught that it is an evil thing to wish someone ill -- even your enemies. All this life lesson really did was teach me to be dishonest about my true feelings. My mother was and still is a person who only reads the easy, peaceful sections of the bible so she doesn't have to do anything to stop anybody who is treating her or her own children badly.

It wasn't until I was older and read the bible all the way through --unlike my mother at the time-- that I understood that David, "a man after God's own heart" was always honest and gave full vent to his feelings -- even the negative ones. 
O that Thou wouldst slay the wicked, O God; depart from me, therefore, men of bloodshed. For they speak against Thee wickedly, and Thine enemies take Thy name in vain. Do I not hate those who hate Thee, O Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise up against Thee? I hate them with the utmost hatred; they have become my enemies (Ps. 139:19-22).

Not everything the "good characters" in the bible do is good. 
Abraham told lies to help God's prophecy come true and nearly wound up having his wife raped.  Joseph bragged about being a King one day over his brothers and in jealousy they threw him under the bus. And King David prayed for some truly, unspeakably horrible things to be done to his enemies. However, praying and wishing don't make a thing so -- thankfully. 
But I've been thinking, for a long time now, that it was David's complete honesty about his feelings (even the ugliest ones) combined with his certainty that God would make things right if he laid problems at God's feet that made David "a man after God's own heart" -- even though David would eventually become a murderer to take another man's wife.    
Even so, when I heard reports that Justice Anton Scalia had died, I immediately squashed the surge of joy that flowed through me. This squashing lasted all of 30 minutes. It just couldn't last in the face of friends whooping it up on the phone and others telling me they were literally dancing upon hearing of this powerful misogynistic, homophobic, racist's death. 
Justice Antonin “Nino” Scalia was racist, charismatic, misogynist, intelligent, homoantagonistic, witty, a good friend and a judicial terrorist. 
He was all these things, multifaceted in the ways that all human beings are, and he should be remembered as such. Still, in the days since his death, the communities he attacked viciously with his decisions over the course of his 30 years on the Supreme Court have been taken to task for dancing on his grave. 

My childhood training fell away as I listened to my friends and my true feelings came out. I celebrated too. And it felt good. It was cathartic and honest and I have no regrets.
While I still don't think it is a good thing to wish or pray someone dead, I fully plan on celebrating if George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, or Dante Servin die in a hail of gun fire, especially if that gunfire winds up coming from black police officers for being sassy and talking back or not moving quick enough when told.

And I'll be doing more than a little tap dance if some abused black girl grows into a woman and finally takes out a favorite black male pedophile singer too.

The only reason I was anywhere near indifferent to the death of 20 year old XXXTentacion is because I barely knew who he was before he was killed. 

The first time I heard his name was when a music service, Spotify, was claimed they would be dropping him from their service due to his violence against women. Spotify didn't as a successful push-back against the #MeToo movement let Spotify know that there was more money to be lost than gained by getting rid of artists like XXXTentacion and R. Kelly. 

But I know who XXXTentacion is now. Do you?
Pitchfork has obtained a 142-page transcript of testimony by XXXTentacion’s reported victim, delivered over two and a half hours in January at a public defender’s office in Miami. (XXXTentacion’s lawyer, his manager, and spokespeople for his label, Empire, have not responded to requests for comment.) 
In the deposition, the woman said she suffered a grim pattern of routine abuse and offered harrowing details about what she said happened in the final days before the charges.... 
The first incident of domestic violence occurred about two weeks (after she moved in with him). He slapped her and broke her iPhone 6S, because she had complimented a male friend on his new jewelry. (XXXTentacion later repaired the phone.) 
Later that day, XXXTentacion left the room and returned with two grilling implements—a “barbecue pitchfork” and a “barbecue cleaner,” she said—and told her to pick between them, because he was going to put one of them in her vagina...He was lightly dragging the tool against her inner thigh when she passed out. He did not penetrate her with it...
...he was asking me why I was singing his friend’s part of the song, if I like him, why do I like him, like do I ever look at his Twitter,” she said. Then, XXXTentacion head-butted her, punched her, stomped on her, and put her in the bathtub, where he continued hitting and kicking her. “He also wanted to cut out my tongue because I was singing the song..."  [She ran. He beat her and stomped her. He would eventually be charged with a violent robbery, go to jail, get out and continue the abuse.]
In early October 2016, she found out that she was pregnant by XXXTentacion. The pregnancy was planned by both of them...When XXXTentacion returned inside, he told her, “You need to tell me the truth right now or I’ll kill you and this jit.” She said that “jit” was slang for the unborn child. He then started elbowing, head-butting, and punching her. He strangled her until she almost passed out. He took her to the bathroom and demanded one last time that she tell him everything or he would kill her in the bathtub.  [She went blind in one eye, temporarily]
Now that I know who XXXTentacion is, I am indifferent no longer. He was a black male slave master to a (black?) female* slave.  He's dead. And a bunch of women he might have met in the future have escaped him, never having had the misfortune to meet him.

Some people have defended XXX,  saying the woman he beat took some of this testimony back, that she claimed she was lying. 
Well, I'm sure she was lying at some point. Domestic violence victims who have been beaten like this often lie in order to minimize the abuse and beating NOT to make it worse than it was. This is likely why I read, in at least one article, that there was at least a proposal to charge him with witness tampering.   
Even if  the woman he beat turns out to be some magical anomaly and only 50% of her testimony turned out to be true, this man was as dangerous a white man who used to skin kittens for fun as a 5 year old child -- a serial killer in the making.  
While XXX might have turned out to be a routine chronic serial abuser of women, I really do wonder how his recent past compares to another serial killer of black women that the black community didn't care about for two decades or more - THE GRIM SLEEPER


Some black men (and the Pick-Me-s that will follow them over a cliff) have claimed to be outraged by black female indifference and/or joy over news of this man's death. One of the famous ones claimed to be outraged because he claimed Malcom X would have died the same kind of lowlife if he hadn't lived past 20 years of age. 

There are so many things wrong with this statement I can't even go through them all. But understand this before we proceed: Black men love to tell a cleaned-up, fake history of black history --leaving women out -- same as white men do. 

First of all, Malcolm did not recover his life from the same kind of depths that XXX did. Secondly, Malcolm X did not recover his own life.  Malcolm did not create or save himself. by himself.(The self-made man story is a lie the vast majority of the time when you hear it. And on a side note: Martin Luther King was created and built-up by black women from the ground up.) Malcolm was rescued by other black men who gave him things to think about and read. 

And if Jidenna and Kendrick Lamar had done the same, for XXXTentacion, maybe he would be alive right now.  Furthermore, if they had cared about XXXTentacion and his potential future female victims while he was still alive the rest of us might recognize their "grief" as little more than a performance piece.
Just like that Orange Orangutan sitting in the White Supremacist House in Washington D.C.,  XXXTentacion really shouldn't matter to anyone, one way or the other, without his followers. That is, Chump wouldn't be in the White House without his white supremacist voters. And XXXTentacion's star wouldn't have been on the rise if not for his male supremacist fan base.

His nearly being removed from Spotify enhanced his career in much the same way Apricot Asshole's political career was enhanced by calling Mexicans "rapists."

Not surprising: 

Male Supremacists 
White Supremacists 
are cut from the same clothe

Over the last few days, the defense of XXXTentacion and demands that black women see his death as tragic, rather than as a relief, have taken on the same tone as the defense of Bill Cosby, Nate Parker, Chris Brown, Kodak Black, Ray Rice, R. Kelly... 

There are demands for forgiveness from black women for abusive black men who have made it clear --with maybe one exception -- that they don't want forgiveness. Toxic Masculinity soaked macho men never ask for forgiveness.  

And patriarchy soaked non-feminist black women, as usual, have run out in front of these men to shield them with their own bodies saying "We don't know what happened. We weren't there."   
For whatever reason, the message that I've gotten a lot more clearly this time is this: 
'Black men are suffering from white supremacy so they should be given understanding when they go through a phase of beating and attempting to kill black women. He's young. It's just a phase. She forgave him. Why can't you? Some black women are generous enough to be beaten half to death and get over it. If not for these ride-or-die black women who are forgiving after being beaten and nearly killed, the black community would collapse.'
Make no mistake, what's being described is NOT FORGIVENESS and THIS IS the message black women are being given with these demands that we see this young man as anything but a variation on the slave master and a potential murder. 
So now that this message has been received, I'm actually wondering if tap dancing on someone's grave as catharsis is enough for black women?

If 10% of black males are willing to raise up to protect their own demographic (black males) against the accusations of beaten and bleeding black women while another 80% of these jokers sit silently "not wanting to be judgmental" (same as white men want to be neutral about Anton Scalia, Donald Chump and this Chumpanzees)  then what is left for black women but to hope that violent misogynists die young before they can maim or kill more black women?

If black men with money have their way, the XXX's and R. Kelly's will never go to prison -- not for beating a black woman even if she winds up almost dead. So what is left but to hope they cease to exist?  

With very few exceptions, black men have made it very clear --mostly through their silence-- that they are not going to protect black women at the expense of any black man, no matter how despicable that black man is. This is a large part of why R Kelly still has a career. 

The only thing holding me back from praying for the deaths of men like R. Kelly is the same thing that hold me back from praying for the death of people like Darren Wilson and George Zimmerman. It's an evil thing to do to pray for someones death but I still recognize them all as the enemies of blackness

...because black women are just as black as black men are, quiet as it's kept.

Some black men and their Pick-Me-s have claimed that 
Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy  (XXXTentacion's real name) was in the process of getting his life together. 

That means as much to me as hearing that the white slave master who put these scars on Gordon's back showed up at a charity event for a black school 1867 -- without ever having saying he was "sorry" one time.  And when the black men of 2018 value black women as much as they value themselves, they'll feel the same way.

Do not hear me saying, "He got what he deserved." I'm not saying that because I have taken the log out of my own eye. I have done more screwed up sh** than I care to admit. I AM saying I'm not going to cry over something bad happening to my enemy. And I'm not even going to seriously discuss "forgiving" someone I know I would have put in the ground the first time he laid hands on me in viciousness. And there are heroic black women in prison right now who felt the same way -- they killed their abusers and rightfully so. 
Estimates range between 40-80% of women convicted of murder acted in self-defense against their abusers. Male aggression is evident in almost all homicides, even when women are the ultimate offenders. Unlike men, most women who kill do not have criminal histories. Women serving time for Murder I or II or Voluntary Manslaughter comprise about 10-15% of women in prison. 
One-third of murdered women are killed by male partners; only 4% of men are murdered by female partners. 
It seems to me that the only time 
much of the black community 
thinks trying to destroy the person 
that is trying to destroy you 
is a bad idea is when 
a black woman or a black child 
is on the receiving end of the initial attack.

For those of you that think this way, let me have my King David moment and say, "Screw you and the horse you rode in on." 

Change your mind and your heart and grab-a-hold of any young black man you want to save -- before he is routinely beating, raping, or  abusing a black woman.  Failing that, the very freaking least that most black men can do is take their Pick-Me-s and support a protest that removes men like XXXTentacion and R. Kelly's music from Spotify. 

If we can't change the minds of black male abusers of black women (all women) the least we can do is destroy their careers. 

And I wish that was the road we as black people, male and female together, had chosen.  If so, maybe that arrogant little b***** would have been humbled sooner, been removed from the public eye sooner, maybe not worth killing, and maybe still alive right now. 

But that's not the way things played out.

In any case, just like white supremacy is on white people to cure, male supremacy is on men to cure and that goes double in the black community.


To Black Christian Feminists who think what I've said is a bit much, I'll add this: Inside your own mind, treat XXXTentacion the same way you do George Zimmerman, Dante Servin, Darren Wilson, and Michael Brelo etc. For me this might mean, I try not to think of them at all BUT when I do, I pray that God will "get them" in due time in any way He sees fit.  


*- Black men in entertainment have a rather severe colorism problem. While some will not marry a white women they often look for someone as pale as possible to date/mate. I don't know if his girlfriend is the usual mixed-race-looking black woman or some other exotic-not-quite-white woman. And I don't care because it doesn't matter.

Misogynistic black men who beat and/or rape and/or murder women (of any color) have got to go because they are deadly to the black community as a whole.


Feeling Rebloggy

Nearly 30 percent of the unaccompanied minors who have entered the US have been girls, according to a figure released by HHS. 
But girls (and babies and toddlers) haven’t been shown in the photos of shelters where migrant children are being kept. And little has been shared about where girls are sent after they are separated from their parents and put into HHS custody.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders Whines About Facing Consequences For Being White Supremacy's Mouthpiece

Clearly, she doesn't consider brown immigrants "people"

And please note that Sarah didn't fall far from Daddy's White Christian Racist Tree

Mike Huckabee wants to make sure you remember that he’s racist, too

Ex-presidential hopeful, CINO* Mike Huckabee complained about how his daughter was treated at this restaurant mere hours after he posted this racist dig at Nancy Pelosi

Make no mistake --  The White House is the THE WHITE SUPREMACIST HOUSE


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms Stops Local Jails From Taking Ice Detainees

Feeling Rebloggy

New immigrants detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will no longer be held in Atlanta, after the city’s mayor signed an executive order prohibiting the city’s jail from accepting ICE detainees, The Atlanta Journal-Constitutionreported. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms’s executive order was signed the same day that President Trump signed an executive order to keep detained families together (possibly in custody indefinitely). Amnesty International warned that immigration detentions could now be indefinite as a result of Trump’s executive order


A repost
Very Smart Brothas Headline
At least the author of this article admits he under estimated white folks commitment to preserving the power of whiteness. 

A lot of black and brown folk say that they knew this already. But,   unlike this brave writer, they refuse to admit that they did not see the majority of white folks as a formidable political enemy.

More than that a lot of black and brown folk refuse to admit they failed to connect the dots and therefore failed show up for political battle at the polls. 

I don't usually like using war metaphors. It feels too violent and trivializing of the waste of life that is war. But I don't want to be too similar to President Obama in that I sometimes show up to a gun fight with a dull pen knife (as a friend said of President Obama a few weeks back.)  But we actually are in a war right now. 

Trump has appointed people that are openly xenophobic and spewers or hate speech.

For the voting section of people of color (POCs) the 2016 election was never about loving Hillary Clinton. It was about stopping Trump.  The black women that showed up at the polls showed black solidarity, tried to build a wall between Trump black and brown communities.

But a lot of POCs didn't even show up. They didn't vote.

But now that I've read the VSB article captioned up top, I now realize that a lot of black and brown people didn't know how much danger they were in from the majority of white people in this particular election.

In order to set voting in certain elections as a priority one has to know the difference between weather vane politician, and a dragon politician -- especially when the Dragon has followers that have given themselves a new name like "alt-Right." 

The weather vanes (democratic or republican) follow opinion polls and move with the wind. Usually they only have the potential to move POCS backward or forward by about 10% As POC progress comes in minuscule movements over long periods of time, so we tend to vote for our white democratic weather vanes because those minuscule movements forward lead to the occasional leap forward. 

Dragons, however, are different.

Dragons don't blow with the wind. Dragons create wind based on fear of the-other. They breathe fire and inspire people to move. When you see a white dragon with a clear ability to lead on the other side, that's when you start voting self-preservation. That's when you make sure everybody shows up for political battle.

More important than being able to tell the dragon from the weather vane is having the knowledge that the majority of white people, especially poor white people, will vote against their own financial well-being in order to feel like they have the higher status of whiteness. 
Damon Young of VerySmarthBrothas said,
In this election, White people did not vote against their self-interests. They may have voted against self-interest — a few actually — but not their most important one: The preservation of White supremacy. 
Retaining the value of a Whiteness they believed to be increasingly devalued superseded everything else. Including their own livelihoods; their own physical and financial well-beings; their own Christianity; their own agency; their own money; their own educations; their own futures; their own children’s futures, their own country’s legacy; their own country’s status with the rest of the world; their own environment; their own food, air, and water; their own rights; and their own lives. 
And please note that I am not including any qualifiers. For working class Whites. Or Whites from rust-belt cities. Or White men. Or White people who didn’t graduate from college. Or rural Whites. Or Midwestern Whites. Or Southern whites. This is on ALL White people. Who are complicit even if they didn’t vote for Trump. Because they obviously haven’t done enough to repudiate the mindsets existing in their families and amongst their friends; possessed by their co-workers and neighbors; shared during private holiday gatherings and public city townhalls. Who have shown us that nothing existing on Earth or Heaven or Hell matters more to them than being White and whichever privileges — real or fabricated; concrete or spiritual — existing as White in America provides. 

The paragraph above, highlighted in red, is shockingly naive.

The majority of white men have always voted for white supremacy above all else. Always. And non-feminist white women (the majority of white women) follow them more often than not.

Again, the white poor have been voting to slit their own throats for decades and decades as they look on in worshipful hopefulness at the white rich (who hate them) FOREVER. 
That has never changed. That hasn't changed since slavery.

"Poor white trash" and "Trailer Trash" and "Wife beater" t-shirts are all names I hear from white people about other white people who don't have much, money or education. Yet, poor white people almost worship those that either hate them or try to erase them, pretend they don't exist.   

The thing that was different about this election --after 8 years of white-washed thinking that we were in a post-racial America-- was proximity of the white demographic to no longer being the numerical majority. 
Shrinking White Demographic
White people should no longer be the majority by 2050 (some say 2040)

This bone deep fear or losing power, plus Donald Trump's ability water, nurture, and energize white supremacy in a huge variety of white groups by using a mixture of dog whistle and overt white racism made a lot of white folks decide to vote their white supremacy.

Add to that the fact that white people have been looking at a black president for 8 years and you get a super energized white supremacy. 

So white folks being white didn't surprise me.The things that surprised me were that: 

1) a full two-thirds of white people did NOT vote for Trump. (It was less than that, somewhere near 60%)
2) the black males vote for Trump  was at 13% -- and that this was the "good" news for male POCs
3) the latino vote (mostly mexicans) was as bad as it was. I almost fell on the floor when I saw estimates that Latino men (other than Cubans) voted for Trump at a rate of 33%
I thought we (people of color) all knew that we were going to have to jump over white supremacy and go to the polls to do it.

And I really did not think educated black people could mistake a weather vane (Hillary) for a white supremacy dragon (Trump), and actually think that both were equally threatening to us. 

Again, black women voters rose up to push this back because they did recognized the threat. They did not rise up for love of Hillary. I haven't spoken to a black woman yet who gives a damn about Hillary yet. What black women voters cared about was stopping Trump. 
At least this brother at VSB, unlike Colin Kaepernick, admits he messed up. But I wonder if he knows where he messed up. 

I'm not sure, but I'm getting the distinct impression that black and brown folks younger than 30 only know the surface of black and brown history if they know any at all.

White folk jumping up to defend white supremacy at the polls has been consistent for decades. Furthermore, the rogue waves of white supremacy have hit us before, and I'm not talking about during the Civil Rights Movement.

We've seen a white supremacy dragon with an ability to lead before and his name was Ronald Wilson Reagan. Mr. 666 only used a dog whistles to stir up white fears and label black and brown folk degenerates.

But he did it at a time when there was virtually nothing for white people to worry about from a white superiority perspective; they had all the power and were in no danger of losing it any time soon. But Reagan scapegoated black and brown people for what was wrong with the economy-- just like the KKK has done so many times in our country's history. And Ronnie Ray Gun* made white people feel good about themselves as he was doing it. (*- Nickname based on his "Star Wars" foreign policy)
This time it's Donald instead of Ronald. And Donald is using a bull horn when there's something real for white folks to be worried about, such as:  
1) a world where they won't be the only ones who can fail to graduate high school and still make a solid middle class living
2) a world where they are out-numbered and can be out-voted routinely.
3) a world where you can no longer feel superior just by being born white even if you don't have a pot to piss in -- just like in the days of slavery. The white poor have always been willing to slit their own throats to feel superior to black and brown. 
That's why Mean Tangerine didn't need half the brain wattage of  a not-that-bright-Reagan in order to be successful. The white supremacy fire was already burning bright before MT came along to pour gasoline on it.

The only thing Ronald and Donald had to be smart enough to do is this: Read other white people. 

I really thought black and brown children were taught this at the dinner table as they were growing up. I thought black and brown children understood that a huge chunk of white people hide white supremacy from themselves first and others next-- in order to justify reserving or justifying the taking of money, jobs, land or to justify the preservation of white status (a form of power).

Clearly black and brown oral histories are not being passed along like I thought. But it needs to start happening again.  We cannot be out-voted again. We may lose to the majority of white voters over the next decade or so. But we don't have to lie down. All of us can show up for political battle and vote.

And we will be battling for the next 30 years or so. White people are losing their numerical majority status. That's what all these ugly anti-immigration battles are about. If you think white people were baring their teeth in 2016 wait until you see what's in store for us in 2024 and 2036.

Black people, black women in particular, can try to whittle down that 13% of Black men that voted for Trump

Latinas and Asian women have a bigger job with their men. They have nearly three times as big a job as far as stopping their men from voting for a racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobe.

But the most important thing is to get those that didn't vote to see the importance of showing up for battle. 
We can go down fighting in 2020, 2022, 2024, 2026, and 2028 (counting midterm elections too)  Eventually the tide will turn our way.

I don't know how much 2050 will look like South Africa (minority whites ruling the majority black and brown). But we have to try to pull together. 

And maybe part of that pulling together is creating a new black and brown led party.
The only thing we cannot do is lie down and not have some sort of plan.  

We need to have a plan and move collectively because open white supremacy mows us down much more quickly than closet white supremacy. And Mean Tangerine has changed the wind. Open white supremacy is on the table as a political bargaining chip now. Republicans, alt-Right within republican ranks, and democrats are likely to try and access that chip, the white race card, in coming elections.

In other words, we're probably not always going to have the option to vote for a weather vane and hope for stagnation instead of sliding backwards. We're probably going to have to create a new party at some point.

So read your history. Speak to other peoples who also have an oral history. And then get your minds right. We do not want to be doomed to repeat our history. And repeating our history is exactly what will happen if we let Trump and his likely smarter ideological successor make America white again.