Monday, March 28, 2016


I hate it when people ask this...#Mixpeopleproblems
Posted by Shit Just Got Real on Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I feel like I am the nosiest person on the planet most days. And I feel like I'll ask anybody anything if it stays in my head long enough. But what is it with white people and having to know precisely what someone else's race and/or ethnicity?

Like I said, I'm nosey as hell. It would pass through my mind to wonder if this guy has two black parents or maybe one white parent and one black parent. But I kinda doubt I would think about it at all -- not unless I was younger and thinking about having his children or something.

His upbringing by a colorblind white parent and an
black parent ala Zoe Saldana would mean 

he'd ruin our future black children with his stupidity.

Seriously though, I just don't get what's fascinating about light-skinned black people and those folks where you seriously can't tell where on the entire planet the DNA came from.  If you don't know that person why would one care? If you're not in a conversation where that's a factor, why would one care? I don't get it. What is it?

But I'll tell you this-- White people can tell who is not white like they have special contact lenses that help them measure eye shape and nose width. I can't tell you how many offices I've been in where a white person will make a comment about someone's ethnicity and then in THAT MOMENT I will realize I assumed the person was white--- because their skin IS me....but not to the white person. That's the other thing the special contact lenses do:  They measure the slightest hint of brown.

Today I found out that the people in Brussels are white while the people in Turkey are not.  I know this because the attack in Brussels is all over the news. I didn't know the a terrorist attack happened in Turkey at all-- not until I read a comparison of the coverage. The deaths in Turkey got the same coverage here in the U.S. that the terrorist attack on the Ivory Coast did.

Those special contact lenses the white folks have are something else. When those lenses start taking measurements on something that looks like a light skinned black person, they must send out a tiny beam of light onto the white person's retina that flashes, "Red Alert" over and over again. 

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