Monday, June 22, 2015

Governor Haley Reverses Course: She Says It's Time To Take Down The Confederate Flag

The only thing NAACP, KKK, Southern Poverty Law Center, Skin Heads, Black Lives Matter Movement, and White Power Groups all agree on is that the confederate flag means "white superiority"

And now southern, w
hite I'm-not-a-racist conservatives are finally coming to the table. Governor Haley, doing an about face from her previous position, is talking about applying pressure to remove THAT FLAG.

Could be lip service to the immediate outrage, but we're headed in the right direction.
In other words, the petitions you've signed seem to be having an effect. 

 Keep asking people to sign the petitions. Maybe we can get the South Carolina confederate flag down by the 4th of July. Maybe Mississippi's state flag can be next. We should take advantage of the momentum. Even the republicans know which way the wind is blowing at this point.
By the way, did you know that this flag has NOT been flying atop of various building in South Carolina since the end of the Civil War? 

No, this symbol of hate was brought back into use by white racists in the 1960s in response to the Civl Rights Movement. This flag doesn't just represent hate. This flag represents hate-squared.

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