Wednesday, November 18, 2015


States protesting next year's admission of 10,000 Syrian refugees range from Texas and Maine.


"The announcements came after authorities revealed that at least one of the suspects believed to be involved in the Paris terrorist attacks entered Europe among the current wave of Syrian refugees....via Greece in early October..."

Only 1,500 Syrian refugees have been accepted into the United States since 2011, but the Obama administration announced in September that 10,000 Syrians will be allowed entry next year."
There may be more governors popping off about a terrorist hiding among the Syrian refugees coming to the U.S.A. today. But a few days back 25 out of 26 governors screeching about "Don't send those people here!" were republican.
These governors are wrong. We have no choice but to help the desperate and displaced

However, I don't if we should have that much faith in United States's ability to vet refugees in order to make sure there aren't any terrorists among them. I can't stop thinking about the visas that were approved for some of  the 9/11 terrorists after they were dead. But since 9/11 thousands of refugees have been admitted to the United States. And as far as I know, none of them have a shot a black person for being black and walked away from it.

For black people, the terrorists are homegrown.

Raised on the KKK and NRA philosophies of life like it was mother's milk, Dylann RoofWade Michael Page, and Frazier Glenn Miller  were all raised to be the terrorists they were meant to be. 

The Sandy Hook Killer, the Batman Movie Theater Killer,  the Oregon School Killer, the Isla Vista Shooter were all terrorists too.

All of these NRA armed "mass shoot
(some of them KKK wanna-be-s)  kill for the pure joy of terrorizing  people not like themselves  instead of terrorizing people not like themselves  (just before killing them) for pseudo-political/pseudo-religious reasons.

They all get their revenge-based jollies out of terrorizing people they're killing.  Men like Jihadi John and the KKK are pretty-much interchangeable to me.

Same = Same

For most of the republican white folk, apparently, there hasn't been a true terrorist attacks in this country since the Boston Marathon.

But, the rest of us know better...I hope

To tell  you the truth, I can't imagine a terrorist sneaking in with the Syrian refugees. Our security has to be better than it was in 2001. It has to be. Again, thousands of refugees have come here since 9/11 and they haven't been the source of black terrorism or any other terrorism

Even if our new security turned out to be smoke and mirrors, I can't imagine feeling any more at risk from Syrians than I do from the police or the dozens and dozens of white supremacist terrorist groups that have cropped up since President Obama was elected. At my most paranoid, a terrorist slipping in with the refugees is a drop in the bucket of my terrorist worries.


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