Feeling Rebloggy

The cause of all the mirth was Trump backer Gina Loudon who denied the GOP nominee had ever engaged in racism — including taking out ads calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five who were later exonerated.

Maybe because it was Friday night– or because everyone is punch drunk from a presidential campaign that has gone on far too long — but CNN host Don Lemon and his panel couldn’t keep from laughing as a Donald Trump advocate repeatedly denied instances of racism and misogyny by the GOP candidate in the face of overwhelming evidence.
After one memorable exchange, host Lemon told the home audience: “People in the studio are even laughing.”http://www.rawstory.com/2016/10/people-in-the-studio-are-even-laughing-cnn-panel-loses-it-as-trump-advocate-spectacularly-flames-out/
The stupidity of the white racist isn't always funny. I'm not even sure it was this time. However, it was amusing to watch this idiot flame out (see video below).
And, let this you remind you of the basic facts.
For most of the people supporting Donald Trump, the ones that aren't strict Hillary Haters, the word "racism" means white men with a pillowcase hood and a gun shooting a black person while on camera --and that's all it is. Nothing else counts as "racism" for the white racist.
Sexism and misogyny and sexual assault must be limited to meaning you've seen a woman being attacked on a hidden camera too.
And, let this you remind you of the basic facts.
For most of the people supporting Donald Trump, the ones that aren't strict Hillary Haters, the word "racism" means white men with a pillowcase hood and a gun shooting a black person while on camera --and that's all it is. Nothing else counts as "racism" for the white racist.
Sexism and misogyny and sexual assault must be limited to meaning you've seen a woman being attacked on a hidden camera too.
These peaceful looking lower-than-the-low people are raising children and pretending to be civilized human beings. Walking around next to them without knowing who they are until you start talking about certain subjects is like walking around with alien lizards from Jupiter in human suits. Isn't it?
By the way I have a question: Is Trump deliberately using blond, white women to look stupid while defending him? I'm really trying to figure out if he's trying to prove the dumb blond stereotype at the same time as he defends himself -- killing two birds with one stone. This Gina Louden is not the first blond idiot on parade I've seen from the Trump camp. And, Trump holds women is such low esteem that I wouldn't put it past him.
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