"Andrew Puzder, President Trump’s labor secretary nominee, withdrew from consideration Wednesday amid growing resistance from Senate Republicans centered primarily on Puzder’s past employment of an undocumented housekeeper.
The collapse of Puzder’s nomination threw the White House into further turmoil just two days after the resignation of Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, amid revelations that Flynn had spoken repeatedly, and possibly illegally, with the Russian ambassador last year about lifting U.S. sanctions.
Puzder’s fate amplified the deteriorating relationship between the White House and Capitol Hill, where bipartisan support grew Wednesday for expanded investigations into ties between Trump, his presidential campaign and Russian officials."
Excuse me.
If people are worried about Puzder's employment
of one undocumented worker or ten
after all the crap that's been pulled
by the republiKKKlansmen so far,
the house of cards has gotten shakier than I thought
a lot earlier than I thought
Puzder is saying to himself
"My name is Hess.
I ain't in this mess."
I'm out-ee
he can see the handwriting on the wall.
And, I think the handwriting says MEAN TANGERINE won't be sticking around for a whole four years because Mean Tangerine wasn't banking on actually having to president.
Mean Tangerine wanted attention.
And since he's having a positive attention deficit this week, what with
1) his Muslim Ban going up in smoke
2) his now Ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn TRYING to take the fall for the attempt to undermine President Obama's authority with the Russians while President Obama was still PRESIDENT
3) his labor secretary nominee running away like his butt's on fire
...it seems to me that this plan of Trump's to take a vacation(?)* in Florida this weekend is a plan to go get some positive white supremacy based attention in the form of a "rally" he throwing for his predominantly white base -- when he's only been in office for 30 days. By the way this Florida trip is gonna cost us taxpayers $60,000 a day in police overtime alone. And 1.5 million may have been spent in reimbursing police overtime in Florida already.
I wonder what the federal out lay for the flying Air Force One and paying the Secret Service, actually is for this unnecessary trip --except for his re-inflating his ego, after less than 30 days in office.
I can't wait to hear how much it's gonna cost tax dollars to do a separate protection detail for Melania and son to live in New York, can you?

Let me say it again: Mean Tangerine didn't really want to president. He wanted to attention. When he surprised himself by winning he was jazzed because he thought he'd get even more attention as King of World.
Then he decided he would be king-ing, signing royal decrees from on high, while other people did the menial tasks associated with president-ing for him.
That's got to be why he wants to be on his resort while North Korea is kinda losing it's mind testing missiles and leaders killing half brothers
Most of what Mean Tangerine has signed, has been meaningless so far -- vague (UNDO OBAMACARE SOMEHOW) unenforceable and vague (MUSLIM BAN), unfunded (THE WALL-- a fence is already almost complete), and not much different, sad to say, than Obama (DEPORTATIONS)
All Mean Tangerine has really been doing is showing off that he can actually sign his name.
President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing
Read Morehttp://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/president-trump-has-done-almost-nothing-214775
But he is signing are things that thrill his white supremacy, male supremacy base because these thing might be able to hurt non-WASPY, non-whites one day...maybe.
And that's a big "maybe" since the wheels seem like they are about to come off the cart.
* * * * *
I so wish I'd been paying attention when people put together football pools for the Super Bowls in years past. I'd put together some sort of MEAN TANGERINE GONE GRID that you could bet on.
I'd put "impeachment," "resign out of bored-dumb," "forced to resign," "official diagnosis of mental illness," and "jail" down the side of the grid THEN HAVE semi-random dates across the top like "before July 04 2017," "before December 2017," "before July 04 2018," and "before November 15 2018" across the top of the grid.
I think I'd put my wager in the box marked "resigned out of bored-dumb" and "before July 4 2017"
Actually, with the way things are going now, maybe I should randomly select all 2017 dates for the top part of my grid. I think I'll wait to see if the stock market gets shocky. That's when we'll know if what's happening now is just noise or something real.
Believe it or not, there are actually places where you can bet on the likelihood Trump will be impeached etc. CHECK IT---> http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-impeachment-bets-234931
*Meeting foreign dignitaries at his resort won't ever make his Florida trips any less a "vacation" to any of the woke.
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