Thursday, May 17, 2018


Feeling Rebloggy

Trump mocking the disabled during a speech in North Carolina

Democrats and others strongly rebuked President Donald Trump after he called some undocumented immigrants coming to the United States “animals” during a roundtable with law enforcement officials and political leaders...
Trump’s “animals” comment comes about two months after the president reportedly complained about immigrants coming from “shithole countries” during a discussion with lawmakers about a bipartisan immigration deal, which never came into fruition. The comment was directed toward immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries. 
The president referred to Mexicans as “rapists,“ “killers” and “murderers" during the 2016 presidential campaign cycle.

You know he's not talking about illegal immigrants from Canada or Norway right? Not for so long as they are white, right? Trump is an white racist in anti-immigrant clothing.

His decisions are either racist, or anti-Obama, or pro-lining-his-pockets, or grandiose toxic masculinity grandstanding. 

As much as the white dominated press pretends it's otherwise. If you know his four motives, you can guess what he's doing and why. There's not one damn thing unpredictable about him.

Trump mocking the disabled reporter on the campaign trail

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