It really irritates me that the "black on black" crime statistic has been repeated over and over again BY ASHAMED BLACK PEOPLE since the Reagan Era AS IF "white on white" crime doesn't exist.
And yes, white on white crimes levels were the same back in the 1980s too:
White and White crime and Black on Black crime usually keep pace with one another. Of course the absolute numbers are different due to differing levels of race based poverty but the only time these ONE-SIDED, horrific percentages seem to separate by more than a percentage or three is when there is an economic downturn.

Creating the "black on black crime" label without ever acknowledging that "white on white" and "latinx on latinx" and "asian on asian" crime don't exist was a way of making black people appear pathological -- when most crime is INTRA-racial.
If you EVER see a statistic about black people and can't find one on white people, you need to sit back and ponder who put the statistic out and who benefits.
Creating the "Black on Black Crime" label has to be one of the more genius dog whistle racism maneuvers of 20th century. And I think Ronald Reagan deserves the credit even if he didn't invent it. He used it "masterfully."
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