Regardless of which is true, the other thing we, the Black Lives Matter Minded, need to do is attach better tech, laws, or rules to the police body cameras.
We the people need to find a way to make sure that police being paid with our tax dollars can't and/or don't want to cover for each other. Through BLM Campaign Zero's community policing boards, if we demand that penalties be set for both the officer and his supervisor for each body camera violation, we might be able to get that done.
If I as a supervisor, for example, am going to lose my job if three of the jokers under me turn their cameras off, even if a random check reveals that nothing significant happened during their shift, it is not going to be in my best interest to help someone cover up a camera-off jaywalking beef where the citizen winds up with a cut that's half the size of a dime. One cover up would equal one-third of fired for me as a supervisor.
We have to figure it out.
I'm thinking making those body cameras go on and off automatically, like plane cockpit recorders sans any off switch at all, is probably a better idea.
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