Sunday, September 25, 2016


Rich white people know a cop will never touch them. So Trump will support the cops no matter what they do or who they do it to. That's why the biggest police union in the country, in the world to let them tell it, is supporting Trump.


But if Trump is elected it will be a matter of time before these out of control cops move on to middle class white people who think they're safe for now. Some white people going to figure out the difference between rich white people and their own paycheck-to-paycheck-living asses quick, fast, and in a hurry.

In addition to black and brown people, these cops have already become bold enough to start beating and killing homeless and mentally ill white people. That's what happens to bullies when they are left unchecked. They get bolder. And if Donald Trump is elected, they'll get bolder still. 

Every conviction the police don't receive makes all of them bolder --- same as it does rapists.

If Donald Trump is elected, the crap is going to spill over all of us, but it's the low education, lower middle class and poor white people (many of them casually racist) that are going to wind up being the largest demographic dying in wars that Trump's dumb mouth leads the U.S. into.

And Trump will lead us into war. He won't be able to help himself. He's already trying to lead us away from allies. And a greedy bully, unchecked, always wants more. Trump has money. Now he wants power. His followers have imaginary power because of his money and because he's white like they are. Beating up on black and brown people in the United States won't be enough for Trump and company. Trump and his minions are going to want to dominate some other country. And white western Europe is too strong for domination, so...   

If these jackals elect Donald Trump, they deserve what they get.  

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