Friday, July 7, 2017


I could never stand this gap-toothed heffa. Never. I tried to tell myself I was being too harsh because...seriously...I can't stand black republicans.

Yes, I can't stand how white republicans have stood for white supremacy for years and are even deeper into white supremacy now that white men have been out-voted two presidential election cycles in a row prior to Trump and are now afraid of being out-numbered in 2050 or 2060 -- no matter how many NOT-WHITE-BANS they put in place.

But I can't stand a the traitor, sell-out, black republican. Condoloozer has been on my "KICK THEM OUT OF BLACKNESS" list forever.

As much as I like Colin Powell? He stays in my side-eye.

He had a change of heart or eyesight when President Obama was running but he was a republican up to that point -- which is how he wound up being hung out to dry when the U.S. didn't find any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.  (It was his black face that told the United Nations the weapons were there. There weren't.)

And, I don't care how many dollars republicans gave the military as opposed to the democrats. That's not a reason to vote for the more-overtly white supremacist party. That's not a reason to vote for the party the KKK tries to pull further right daily. The republicans are the ones putting his young soldiers in harms way when it wasn't absolutely necessary

Rice is yet more proof you can't trust black people just because they are black.

We should never forget that

All Your Skinfolk Are Not Your Kinfolk

If we had remembered this in the NAACP, the NAACP wouldn't have given this woman an award for any damn thing. 
Accusing someone of internalized racism and acting on it is not as simple as "playing politics." The republicans are the white supremacist party of choice and it has been since the conservatives and progressives finished switching parties in 1964 or so. Any black body that joins it is suspect. Anybody. 
If we had remember this lesson in Baltimore in the case of Freddie Gray, the protests would have continued after Marilyn Mosby told us "the seatbelt did it" twice in one news conference then sucked in 3 black police officers to share blame with 3 white officer for his death -- when white officers were the only ones seen with Freddie's broken body BEFORE he was put into the van where he died.

It always seemed to me that  Mosby's "the seatbelt did it" theory was put forth for the purposes of stopping the protests in Baltimore 

However, it could have been as simple-minded as "a rule was broken, let's blame that for his death" because that theory is more likely to protect ones job and keeps ones relationship with the police union intact. We'll never know. This I do know: We black and brown folk would never have gone for that b.s. explanation of Freddie Gray's death if a white face had said it.


White Supremacy 
Isn't Just For White Folks 

....and it never was.

There have been internalized racism swilling black and brown folks among us since the days of slavery. Don't ever become confused by dark skin.

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