White Racial Apologies #100,817,004 and #100,817,005
Black Males
Mexican Males
and Asian Males
Staring At My Sexy White Female Ass

Apparently, two white teenage girls at Grapevine High School in Texas sang a song about how sexy they are, as white females and how they wanted to lynch and kill non-white males that inevitably want them, stare at them...because as white females they are the sexiest of all women.
Clearly, the main stream media and everything around us tells white girls the same thing it tells our black and brown girls: White girls rule. And the audio recording below is proof positive that these white girls are hearing and embracing the message and even going so far as to count their white female supremacist blessings.
And some people actually had to ask why Michelle Obama felt it was necessary to speak at Black Girls Rock.
Apparently this white supremacist song was passed around between the white students at this school for 2 years before word got to the media.
Apology #100,817,004
"While my intentions were never to offend anyone, I wasn’t thinking at
the time about how awful this recording is or that it would get spread
so widely. That was almost two years ago and we were just getting into
social media at that time. Being new to social media then, I did not
fully understand the swift and large impact that one posting can have.
That does not excuse my behavior and I realize I made a huge mistake. I
am so sorry to all the people who heard it and who I hurt by my actions.
The song does not portray in any way how I actually feel about
people. I am a very open-minded person and I enjoy being part of a
diverse family and diverse community. I am being raised to be respectful
of all people, cultures and differences"
Translation: Racism is supposed to be secret, especially when it involves murder. You're not supposed to say it in a place where the people in the "diverse community" can hear it. And what a person says has nothing to do with what that person means and what you were raised to believe. Nothing. This is all about what I SAID, the words I used. My parents didn't teach me to be this way.
Ummm, sure they did. If my upbringing didn't allow me to sing such things about people of other races before I was 5 years of age, then your parents are doing a piss-poor job of making sure you did not learn white supremacy -- because you've got the lingo down pat.
But at least this one knows it's not all about her.
Check out the next apology
Apology #100,817,005
"The moment I
heard that someone had heard and reported the rap to the principals
office, I was fully aware that my life was about to change forever. I
have gone over this day after day, thinking about what I was going to
say to the people hurt, and utterly disgusted at the content of the
recording. I understand that there are many unanswered questions and
multiple versions of rumors regarding when, where, and why the rap was
made. I have never been so utterly humiliated and ashamed in my entire
life, because if you know me, you know you will never meet a human being
with as much unconditional love and kindness in their heart as me...."
Translation: 'The words didn't mean anything. I didn't mean anything. I am the most loving, non-racist individual you will ever meet. I love everybody equally. Attitudes, words, and actions are not linked....the bible says so....um...whoops...wait...I mean..."
she wrote this, did she remember that she was writing an apology
for using the n-word in a song that jokes about murdering people for
being black, mexican, and asian?
And I don't care how young she is: How stupid is she?
How stupid is she,
her parents, and everyone around her. Who let her write "you will never
meet a human being with as much unconditional love and kindness in their
heart as me..." at such a time as this? Who is this ridiculously
unconscious about singing about murdering people for not being white? Who?
Once again, we see the white racial apologies are about the offensive words used in mixed race company. It's all just words and getting caught. It's nothing.
When these two girls are 10 years into their futures 26 years old(?), I wonder how small this will seem. I'm sure all the white students that have been passing this recording around between themselves for 2 years are telling them to get over it already.
Note To Self: White female racists might be too delicate to have their names disclosed to the media.Check future white racial apologies for pattern
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