Thursday, April 30, 2015

WHITE RACIAL APOLOGY #101,000,005: Glenn Ford Gets 1 for 30 Years In Jail

Prosecutor Marty Stroud came forward with his apology for putting Glenn Ford on death row after the state refused to compensate Ford for wrongly imprisoning him for 30 years. 

Stroud said, “I was arrogant, judgmental, narcissistic and very full of myself... I was not as interested in justice as I was in winning.”  Early in his career, ambitious no doubt, he met his colleagues for drinks to celebrate. “That’s sick,” Stroud wrote.

Ford who served 30 years for a murder he didn’t commit, rejected the apology from prosecutor who unjustly put him in a jail. That would be the same prosecutor who didn't have a significant attack of conscience independent of being proved wrong  nearly30 years later.

“It happened,” Glenn Ford said in an emotional meeting arranged by ABC’s Nightline. “I’m sorry I can’t forgive you. I really am.”

"Glenn Ford, who spent nearly 30 years on Angola's death row before his murder conviction was vacated last year, has filed separate federal lawsuits claiming he was wrongfully imprisoned and was also denied medical care following a cancer diagnosis that later became terminal." - NOLA

Glenn Ford has months to live. Maybe he find a way to make peace with what happened in the little time he has to live. May the prosecutor do the same for so long as he finds a way to make amends to somebody, somewhere, somehow. We should all pray there's a way for the prosecutor to do this because I wouldn't wish his conscience on my worst enemy on the day that Ford dies.

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