Every single thing he does, that is not about lining his own pockets or getting attention, is about MAKE AMERICA WASPy WHITE AGAIN.
If you know this about him, you'll always know what he did yesterday, what he did today, and what he'll do tomorrow. He's a low life and he deranged too. Most people that lie constantly don't do so in a way that you can verify they are lying within 10 seconds.
If the Democrats won't
aim at pulling the voters
that some are calling the "Obama Coalition"
together again
(black and brown voters and only 1/3 of whites),
if the Democrats instead start trying
to pull the unreformed white racists
that voted for Trump into the democratic party
under the phony cover of "white working class"
then our response must be
We can replace some or all democratic incumbents during primaries. We can do this. We have to do this. Trump is in office for one reason. He dog-whistled, whispered, spoke, and screamed white supremacy and all his dogs came running. If some of his dogs reform themselves into human beings? That's fine. But the Trumpthuglicans (and Ayn Rand aficionados) have to be out voted. They are the political enemy, period. We have to have representatives that treat them as such.
On November 8 2016, White Supremacy declared everybody not-white an enemy.
We need to vote them down every chance we get.
Any democrat not on board with that needs to go. White men like Bernie Sanders are not "tone deaf" to race; they are "tone deaf" to racism.

Democrats like Sanders cannot see, feel, or hear the white racism because the subtler aspects of ethnoracist white hatred and white revulsion feels normal to them. This is why they call "white racists" the "white working class" when the average Trump voter doesn't qualify to be "working class" by any standard definition.
These are the democrats --no matter what their skin-shade, ethnicity-- that need to go. Vote in primaries. Replace them in every state.
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