Thursday, April 27, 2017


 Feeling Rebloggy

...Every time an Asian woman complains that only white guys want to date her and that white guys fetishize Asian women, it usually turns out that she herself has only dated white guys. 
Interesting how that works, right?
You can go ahead and say it's ok for these women to have a preference but what about the guys? Why is it a fetish for them but not the other way around? Why the double standard?
Here are my theories: 
1. Asian women experience a much greater amount of privilege in a white-dominated society than Asian men, specifically lighter-skinned East Asian women. 
2. Asian women have been societally influenced to think that white men are more attractive than Asian men because western media has emasculated Asian men.
3. Certain Asian women just don't want to admit that they have a white guy fetish so they put the blame on the dudes. 
Since the day you were born, different influences on your mind – the bedtime stories your parents read to you, the cartoons you saw as kid, the school you went to, the movies and shows you watched, and the wallpaper on your computer – have come together to create a cohesive image of the world....
~Aesthetic Distance

This is something all people of color living in a society where one is bombarded by positive white images constantly should think about:

How did "my racial preferences" get to be "my racial preferences?"

So Read More  


[A blog] started in January 2015 by Eliza Romero - a fashion photographer, style blogger, content creator, educator, and pop culture critic - Aesthetic Distance was a way to finally create her "dream job" by combining her passions of art, fashion, photography and pop culture. Early on she began to share her entrepreneurial journey via blogging outfit posts and new fashion editorials that she photographed. People started to take notice and the response was incredible. That's when Aesthetic Distance shifted from being a blog to a calling. It has become a vehicle to inspire, encourage and support fellow females in their endeavors.

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