Monday, September 11, 2017


You know what? I laughed at this at first...because....well...I despise President Hellhound.  And I have to release the tension lest my head explode. 

But then I saw an angry four-letter word comment on this meme and remembered how childishly I despised Bush for a while. 

I despised his stupidity. I despised his ability to become president, while so stupid, just because he was a white legacy admission to Harvard or Yale or Princeton because his white Daddy was actually smart enough to get into that prerequisite Ivy League School

Most of all, I despised his stupidly waging war for white supremacist reasons. 

Make no mistake in believing otherwise. The underlying reason for bombing Iraq was rooted in white racism.

There's no way this white dominated country would have agreed to "Yeah Okay Let's go bomb Germany" because France had run planes into the twin towers....for no other reason than they are white too.
Iraq was bombed because terrorists from Saudi Arabia rammed jet planes into skyscrapers in our World Trade Center. And that made sense because they all look arab anyway. If India had the second largest oil reserves in the world, the white folks that run this country would have seen Saudi Arabia and India as being the same and the U.S. would have bombed India instead.   
Thousands and thousands of Iraqis are dead because Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden (who were pretty much enemies) looked to be from the same non-white stock in white American eyes.

Of course we could argue about every war ever waged as being "pointless" or "wrong." And without me even reviewing every President's tenure, I'd be willing to bet that every U.S. President likely has blood on his hands even if he didn't officially wage war on somebody outside or inside this country. But the U.S. bombing of Iraq wasn't done for any legitimate reason at all. 

There wasn't even a decent bad reason for bombing Iraq

We bombed Iraq over Weapons of Mass Destruction that Colin Powell did not appear to fully believe the intelligence on because

1) Regime change would give us better access to all that oil 2) *He tried to kill my Daddy* and
3) It was easy to convince most whites that dropping bombs on a major city was okay because the people that live there are not-white...and therefore not seen as fully human, not like white folk are.
If you ever see news footage of the first day of bombing, it looks like some sort of green radar screen of the horizon. The bombs dropping made all that death and destruction look like a low quality video game. 

And a lot of folks took the bombing of Iraq just about that seriously. 
One soldier got in serious trouble taking a photo of a group of caskets coming back. The government said she was in trouble because the family hadn't been notified and it was a personal matter. But the photos we saw in the news weren't close ups of a single casket with a name on it. They caskets were draped with flags. So that explanation never made sense to me. 
I've always wondered if she didn't get in trouble because she made our own losses in the war built on lies look a lot less video-game-like.
Thousands and thousands of people --mostly not-white-- are dead and still dying because Bush was too stupid to be president; Dick Cheney was probably the one really running the country; and white supremacy ruled/rules the hearts and minds of 57% or more of the people here. 

Remember that white supremacy is a lot simpler than people would have you believe. 
White supremacy isn't just grouping the KKK and neo-Nazis and people who use the n-word. White Supremacy is wider than that. White Supremacy is the belief that white people are superior. There doesn't have to be hate present for white supremacy to exist. Ignorance doesn't even have to exist for white supremacy to be present.
White supremacy is simply the belief that white people are superior. And out of that belief comes action 
 I will never forget how I found out the U.S. was thinking about going to war with Iraq because of 9/11
I had missed the news for a couple of days due to the shift I was working. So I wound up asking a white acquaintance of mine why we were going war with Iraq all of a sudden. I eventually asked her what the link was between 9/11 and Iraq.
She said, "I don't know. But it must be something."
I just stared.
This came out of the mouth of an intelligent woman that's been self-employed her entire life and has become wealthy enough to live in a beach city. 

That response of hers is not simply "ignorance." That response meant, "Who gives a damn anyway they're not white" even though I know she didn't realize that's what she was saying.

Again, white Supremacy is a the "belief" that white people are superior. And "a belief" can be conceived of as a thought you are not thinking in the present moment. A belief is a thought you are carrying around in your subconscious all the time.
And our beliefs are connected to our actions 

This white woman lived in a section of town where most of the white folks voted for Bush twice, voted for him after he killed thousands and thousands of not-white people for nothing -- not to mention our own soldiers who were mostly born in a much lower class and tax bracket.
Fear of "those people" is the form of white supremacy that George W Bush capitalized on. He got popular support for a war out of it. And he got re-elected on it too. 

As for the original photo that this meme is based on? How well Michelle and Barack appeared to get along with the Bushes will always make my booty itch.  It's likely it always will. They weren't just polite to the Bushes, they made it clear they liked them a lot. 

I assume the Bushes are likable people. But hugging up on Bush Jr after what he's done is a problem for me. Then again, only Barack and Michelle know what kind of horrible decisions Barack had to make as president. Who to bomb? Who not to bomb? Any decision Barack Obama made it was better than Bush's. But maybe Barack, and therefore Michelle, feel like they have no room to judge.

The original photo still makes my booty itch though.

Bush Jr is still this country's worst president in my opinion. He's just not the worst president domestically. TrumpleRacistSkin easily wins that dishonor if we limit the contest to the last 50 years. 

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