Donna Brazile writes,
Well, well, well...Wasn't THAT dramatic?
Gospel music to identify herself as black, in case there's no photo go along with the words of the article. She makes herself a hero when she says she "followed the money" like a super sleuth.
By the end of the article you can almost imagine that she is so heart broken by finding out the villain is none other than Hillary Clinton, that she fell to her knees in emotional pain. Oh the horror!
I promise the end of that dramatic piece in politico you can almost see her realizing that her beloved DNC has been corrupted by the evil Hillary Clinton. You can vizualize her looking off into the sunset, tears streaming down her face. Then --cue the violins-- when she can't take it anymore, she throws the back of hand, the back of her entire arm over her eyes because she just can't take it anymore.
When somebody goes through that much trouble to paint a picture, you should automatically know that person is lying
* * * * *
Let's do careful re-read of Donna Brazile's article on how Hillary Clinton took over the Democratic National Committee and rigged the democratic nomination in favor of herself against Bernie Sanders. Nobody else's opinion really needs to be taken into consideration...
I think it is downright sleezy that Brazile is taking advantage of this. And keep in mind that I don't even like Hillary that much. Conservative news sites have made it clear they can't stand Hillary, yet they aren't buying Brazile's little political tear-jerker article or the political tear-jerker book she's trying to sell right now.
Donna Brazile writes,
"Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call.
I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested.
[That would be the same cache of emails where Brazile was discovered to have given Hillary Clinton a leg up in a townhall style debate by giving Hillary Clinton one of the questions ahead of time]
I’d had my suspicions from the moment I walked in the door of the DNC a month or so earlier, based on the leaked emails. But who knew if some of them might have been forged? I needed to have solid proof, and so did Bernie.
So I followed the money. My predecessor, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz...."
Well, well, well...Wasn't THAT dramatic?
Gospel music to identify herself as black, in case there's no photo go along with the words of the article. She makes herself a hero when she says she "followed the money" like a super sleuth.
By the end of the article you can almost imagine that she is so heart broken by finding out the villain is none other than Hillary Clinton, that she fell to her knees in emotional pain. Oh the horror!
I promise the end of that dramatic piece in politico you can almost see her realizing that her beloved DNC has been corrupted by the evil Hillary Clinton. You can vizualize her looking off into the sunset, tears streaming down her face. Then --cue the violins-- when she can't take it anymore, she throws the back of hand, the back of her entire arm over her eyes because she just can't take it anymore.

The balance of the article says
1)Debbie Wasserman Schultz didn't gather enough money to fund the DNC2)The Obama Campaign hadn't paid the DNC back yet3) Since the DNC was broke, The Hillary Campaign Funded it4) The Hillary Campaign used funding the DNC to take over the DNC, made unreasonable demands that nobody at the DNC knew about except Wasserman Schultz who Brazile replaced after Wasserman Schultz resigned.Read this political soap opera here for yourself here:
When somebody goes through that much trouble to paint a picture, you should automatically know that person is lying
- even if that person is black (all your skinfolk ain't your kin folk)
- and a woman (all women are not your sistahs)
- and especially if there's really not that much love lost between you and the person she's targeting (Hillary Clinton).
* * * * *
Let's do careful re-read of Donna Brazile's article on how Hillary Clinton took over the Democratic National Committee and rigged the democratic nomination in favor of herself against Bernie Sanders. Nobody else's opinion really needs to be taken into consideration...
'cause Brazile done-already-told-on-herself.
Brazile's own words reveal this truth:The DNC rigged the DNC against Bernie Sanders, the same Bernie Sanders who is not / was not A DEMOCRAT.
In the POLITICO article Brazile basically said that
The Hillary Clinton Campaign
raised money for
The Hillary Clinton Campaign
then sorta-kinda-money-laundered some of
The Hillary Clinton Campaign's money
into the financially mismanaged DNC .
all while Brazile was sitting right there in the DNC,
though she didn't take over as chairwoman until later
Brazile goes onto say the reason the DNC was broke is because the Obama Campaign hadn't paid the DNC back.... Yet, she admits that this money wasn't due back into the DNC until 2016. So why is Barack Obama's name in her mouth?
(Am I the only one who cannot imagine the republicans and the RNC screwing up their money this badly...much less announcing they'd done so a year after the fact?)
Furthermore, why was the Obama Campaigns due date as late as 2016, if you know perfectly doggone well you need that money in 2014 or 2015 at the very freaking latest, in order to go to work on the next campaign?
All this is kinda beside the point on the front side. It was not illegal for the Hillary Campaign to fund the DNC, though it probably should have been illegal for her to do so alone. And there was no reason to paint it in such a way that it look like money laundering had taken place to get the money into the DNC.
The issue is that the DNC thought it appropriate to take money from one candidate when they were broke instead of all the candidates. The other issue is that they didn't solve their financial problems above board where everybody could see it.
The other problem is that there is this concept called "the appearance of impropriety" And the DNC's taking money from The Hillary Campaign ONLY would improper no matter what really happened or didn't happen.
All this is kinda beside the point on the front side. It was not illegal for the Hillary Campaign to fund the DNC, though it probably should have been illegal for her to do so alone. And there was no reason to paint it in such a way that it look like money laundering had taken place to get the money into the DNC.
The issue is that the DNC thought it appropriate to take money from one candidate when they were broke instead of all the candidates. The other issue is that they didn't solve their financial problems above board where everybody could see it.
The other problem is that there is this concept called "the appearance of impropriety" And the DNC's taking money from The Hillary Campaign ONLY would improper no matter what really happened or didn't happen.
Even if the Hillary Clinton Campaign
had NOT (allegedly) made demands
in exchange for financially bailing out the DNC
The Hillary Clinton Campaign
had made demands
and gotten paid off
in the form of winning of the democratic nomination
I think it is downright sleezy that Brazile is taking advantage of this. And keep in mind that I don't even like Hillary that much. Conservative news sites have made it clear they can't stand Hillary, yet they aren't buying Brazile's little political tear-jerker article or the political tear-jerker book she's trying to sell right now.
Anybody with a lick of sense knows, especially if one has been in politics as long as Donna Brazile has, that...
if political hopeful Johnny James
came down from heaven
in a beam of light and everybody saw it,
then Johnny James, the Angelic Politician
financially bailed out the DNC
and subsequently won nomination,
everybody would assume
Johnny James, the Angelic Politician
rigged the game in favor of himself.
The "appearance of impropriety was EVERYTHING in this case. Brazile is taking advantage of the appearance of impropriety that she is partially responsible for as a member of the DNC.
Furthermore, why wouldn't A REAL DEMOCRAT, sans any angelic qualities, think lifting her own candidacy up is the same as lifting the democratic party up? This is the foundation of the impropriety, this is why the DNC shouldn't have touched Clinton's money with 10 foot pole
Furthermore, why wouldn't A REAL DEMOCRAT, sans any angelic qualities, think lifting her own candidacy up is the same as lifting the democratic party up? This is the foundation of the impropriety, this is why the DNC shouldn't have touched Clinton's money with 10 foot pole
The DNC should have gotten sorta-kinda-money-laundered campaign money from everybody who wanted to run for president in equal amounts, including Sanders.
The DNC should have gotten sorta-kinda-money-laundered campaign money from everybody who wanted to run for president in equal amounts, including Sanders.
Better yet --since Brazile threw President Obama under the bus already-- the DNC could have called The Obama Campaign debt in early so the DNC can conduct business ahead of the 2016 nomination.
So many choices
So much, Omigawd I didn't know!!! (Tears)
We're supposed to believe that Donna Brazile, while a part of the DNC, didn't know anything about the finances of the DNC until she was tapped to replace Debbie Wasserman Schultz as chairperson. We're supposed to believe she found this document where she was shocked and fell down to her knees crying about the injustice of it all (<--- I'm only exaggerating a little bit here. The B.S. was piled hip deep in that Politico article.)
Better yet --since Brazile threw President Obama under the bus already-- the DNC could have called The Obama Campaign debt in early so the DNC can conduct business ahead of the 2016 nomination.
So many choices
So much, Omigawd I didn't know!!! (Tears)
We're supposed to believe that Donna Brazile, while a part of the DNC, didn't know anything about the finances of the DNC until she was tapped to replace Debbie Wasserman Schultz as chairperson. We're supposed to believe she found this document where she was shocked and fell down to her knees crying about the injustice of it all (<--- I'm only exaggerating a little bit here. The B.S. was piled hip deep in that Politico article.)
The pattern of lies reveals the truth. It was the DNC that wanted Hillary to be the one to run for president. And that's why the DNC's Brazile leaked one of the questions (or hinted at one of the likely questions) to Hillary for the debate / townhall.
It shouldn't be lost on anybody that Brazile pandering ass throws all this Hillary-mud in the water, sans any plan for campaign finance reform just as the Mueller's investigation is finally starting to reveal what happened between Russia and Trump.
She can help Bernie-the-Independent-Sanders run for president again. But the two of them better whistle-themselves-up an INDE-PENDANTIC CONVENTION to host him too. Because if the DNC went through this much trouble to get an establishment democrat at the top of the ticket for 2016, then maybe the Democratic Convention should be open to Democrats only.
I've been saying it's time for a third party for a long time, led by black and brown people. However, I wouldn't Bernie or Brazile anywhere near it
Bernie's ideas are fine but his covert protection of white supremacy and white supremacists is not.
Hillary won the popular vote. Even so, I wish someone else had run so they could have won the electoral college vote. That's why I really wished Vice President Biden had run.
This is why the DNC influenced the DNC to make Hillary Clinton the nominee. All the other crap Brazile threw in the way, that's the bottom line.
There have been studies on how people vote. It's usually NOT the candidates positions on issues that's the largest influencing factor on how people vote. Therefore, Bernie's looks and labels mattered. And nobody knew that better than Donna Brazile
...which is likely why she got caught hinting/giving Hillary a leg up in a townhall-style semi-debate.
Brazile thinks she's slick dropping this Hillary mud in the water just as Russiagate is heating up. Seems to me she wanted those book sales no matter what, even at the expense of derailing news coverage of Mueller's investigation into Trump.
But nobody's really going for it, not really.
Even establishment conservatives can see through her bid to get book sales. And the rabid conservatives are only pretending to take her seriously so as to take the spotlight off the Liar-In-Chief.
Brazile probably just ended her career.
All I can say to that is...
Bye Felicia
The peak of Russiagate must have been the best time to sell her book, democratic agenda be damned, right?We oughta kick her trifling ass out of the democratic party too
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She can help Bernie-the-Independent-Sanders run for president again. But the two of them better whistle-themselves-up an INDE-PENDANTIC CONVENTION to host him too. Because if the DNC went through this much trouble to get an establishment democrat at the top of the ticket for 2016, then maybe the Democratic Convention should be open to Democrats only.
I've been saying it's time for a third party for a long time, led by black and brown people. However, I wouldn't Bernie or Brazile anywhere near it
Bernie's ideas are fine but his covert protection of white supremacy and white supremacists is not.
Bernie and the Bernie Bros "stop with the identity politics" has damn near the same as "stop playing the race card" They both mean stop talking about race.
And what's worse the newer phrase "stop with the identity politics" is always a precursor to Bernie's attempting to draw the "white working class voters" that voted for Trump back to the democratic party. And that's a problem, because the "white working class" isn't who voted for was the white racists that voted for Trump, which studies have proven at least three times now.
What's needed is more talk about race, more finding of common ground, a coalition of black and brown and only 1/3rd of white folks
...a coalition Sanders and the white Bernie Bros know they can't get. Therefore (whiny voice), "Let's stop with the identity politics"
Hillary won the popular vote. Even so, I wish someone else had run so they could have won the electoral college vote. That's why I really wished Vice President Biden had run.
This white male dominated country was not ready for anything except a white man after two terms with a black man in the highest political office in the land. It was simply too soon to run a woman. And this particular woman, Hillary Clinton. had too much baggage --fair or not.
And Bernie? The crazy looking old professor, who identifies as an independent and a socialist to boot? I didn't think there was a chance in hell he could beat Trump.
And the DNC didn't think so either.
This is why the DNC influenced the DNC to make Hillary Clinton the nominee. All the other crap Brazile threw in the way, that's the bottom line.
There have been studies on how people vote. It's usually NOT the candidates positions on issues that's the largest influencing factor on how people vote. Therefore, Bernie's looks and labels mattered. And nobody knew that better than Donna Brazile
...which is likely why she got caught hinting/giving Hillary a leg up in a townhall-style semi-debate.
Brazile thinks she's slick dropping this Hillary mud in the water just as Russiagate is heating up. Seems to me she wanted those book sales no matter what, even at the expense of derailing news coverage of Mueller's investigation into Trump.
But nobody's really going for it, not really.
Even establishment conservatives can see through her bid to get book sales. And the rabid conservatives are only pretending to take her seriously so as to take the spotlight off the Liar-In-Chief.
Brazile probably just ended her career.
All I can say to that is...
Bye Felicia
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