Saturday, September 2, 2017


Some white folks want to think white supremacy is limited to hate so they can feel good about themselves sans any self-examination. But that's only a small sliver of white supremacy in Trump's America. 

If the number of folk still hanging on Trump's every word are any indication maybe hateful ideas probably represents 1/3 of white people that will love him no matter what black or brown or  Jewish group he steps  on. The other 2/3rds of the white supremacists that love Trump probably do not actually hate anybody. 

At least I'm trying to make myself believe that 2/3rds of Trump supporters. It's difficult when they laugh at the things Trump says and does about black and brown people. It's hard to believe it's not hate that puts the stoppers in white people's ears. 

But white supremacy is thinking that white people are superior. 


It doesn't even matter if the thinker in question is white himself. All one needs to do to engage in white supremacy is to think that white people are superior.

Sometimes white supremacy looks like Charlottesville.

Sometimes white supremacy is found in the white pride it takes to look at the higher poverty rate of black and brown folk then deciding white people must work harder in general.  

But white supremacy always looks like 
white people making sure 
they don't see or hear themselves 
building that wall around the idea 
that they want to protect 
as an unconscious assumption, 
so that nobody can blame them for being 
mean-spirited, evil, vane, or just plain stupid. 

And the idea is....

This likely why L'Oreal fired their diversity hire, a black trans woman named Munroe Bergdorf, over short blurb she wrote on how white people work to be ignorant of white supremacy thus insuring it's survival. 

Any black person that's not resentful of the very same things that Bergdorf described in her writing is either lying, ignorant, or so successful at playing on the white supremacy playing field that he or she is glad other black people aren't doing it as well; this just means less competition to Omorosas & David Clarkes of the world 

Circling the wagons around white supremacy is what L'Oreal did. And that's very representative of white supremacy.  Pretending white supremacy is not functional part of daily white life is how Donald Trump got to be president over here in the U.S. in the first place. That pretense is also the basis of how so many white folks were shocked that Charlottesville happened.
No more L'Oreal purchases for me
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