Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Warning: Graphic Language

Keri Claussen Khalighi has accused Russell Simmons of raping her 26 years ago when she was 17 years old. Also present was Brett Ratner, the director that's already been accused by 10 women of sexual harassment/ assault and general foulness by a host of others. 
Twenty-six years ago, when the girl realized she was in trouble because she was alone with a sexually aggressive Simmons, she looked over at Ratner. 
"In that moment, the realization fell on me that they were in it together."
Keri Claussen Khalighi

Russell Simmons responded to these accusations by saying  said that their sexual contact  --the rape Claussen Khalighi describe-- was not rape but "consensual." 
Brett Ratner, who was also there, has basically claimed he didn't remember anything out of the ordinary going on. In Simmons non-apologetic apology, he indicated said he wanted people to know that he's in a grow process as a human being 

He's in a growth process...now that he's an old man without a hair-trigger dick that doesn't get up and go like it used to?

Only problem with this little apology is that this girl was 17 years old and unable to give consent.

That's called statutory rape



As you may be able to tell, I've never been a fan of Russell Simmons. It became apparent early on that he's yet one more black man using a paperbag test to choose his romantic partners. Later, it became apparent that the light women were stepping stones to white women similar to some other black men in Hollywood and sports that I won't name.

This is important to me because anybody who is only supportive of  half the race (black men) 
is a burden the entire black race cannot afford.

When he put together a video where he suggest Harriett Tubman had sex with white masters to get slaves free --as a joke. Some joke. When I see a black man suggest that Frederick Douglass got down on his knees and gave oral sex to white men in order to get black folks free, I might believe a joke was the intention instead of the intentional degradation of a black female icon.

Open warfare misogyny is always called a joke  
when the joker gets called out

same as

Open warfare white racism is always called a joke 
when the joker gets called out

But you know what? I am just as conditioned as my sisters. I can't stand Simmons. I mean, he makes me a little sick to my stomach for decades now. Yet, when that Harriet Tubman video came out --mad as I was-- I still tried to look for information that might exonerate him first. 

This is why I started reading about Simmons case with the understanding that this sexual harassment scandal that's moving from Hollywood to Washington D.C. is about the abuse of power, toxic masculinity, and also whiteness gives (gave) white men a feeling of invincibility.  Women, people of color, and men of color, mostly don't have enough power to demand access to disembodied genitals, all the tits and ass they can handle as a reward for getting rich -- just like so many American television shows, movies, books, magazines suggest men should get.

No matter how linked power is to whiteness in this country, that does not mean I ever thought black men were not capable of abusing women in the same way as white men. I know toxic masculinity works for them just like it does for white men...just not as often and not as thoroughly.  My mistake was in thinking that there might be so few black men with Harry Weinstein level power that it might not be possible for black men to abuse their power in  so large and bold a fashion 


In other words, I didn't think a black man  --sans an uncontrollable-- rape fetish wouldn't be stupid enough to step off into the sexual blackmail business that is sexual harassment sans whiteness as a shield.

My bad.

When you think your money makes you superman, I guess you are that stupid.

Deep down, I have to admit, I did not want a black man to be guilty of this. So despite the colorism, mysgynoir, and elitism Simmons had already shown, I was actually resistant to the idea that he might have done this....instead of thinking the original, single, rape accusation was likely given his character. 

But once I knew Ratner was involved --before I read one entire article on the two of them together-- I knew Russell Simmons was likely headed into the completely and permanently cancelled zone. 


Ratner’s introduction to a 2005 book,
“Def Jam, Inc.” by Stacy Gueraseva, 

acknowledged that their relationship 
was “initially based on 
our mutual admiration for beautiful women.”

The men would go clubbing in Simmons’ Cadillac limo, partying all night and into the next day. At the time, Simmons was a power player in New York who helped turn hip-hop into a mainstream business and cultural force with the release of records by Public Enemy, the Beastie Boys and LL Cool J. Simmons also has founded clothing labels including Phat Farm — once a staple of the hip-hop scene — and created HBO’s “Def Comedy Jam,” which has launched the careers of many black stand-ups. 

Admiration — and success — were not the only things Ratner and Simmons allegedly shared. In a 2005 Playboy article about Simmons’ reformed ways, magazine writer Touré described a 1994 incident in which he met Simmons for an interview at a cafe below the music mogul’s apartment. When Ratner showed up a little while later, Simmons disappeared for half an hour without explanation. Touré wrote that he later learned that Simmons "had gone up to his place and had sex with a sumptuous model whom Ratner had just finished with."
The pair’s conduct together has also been scrutinized by authorities. In 2001, a woman told Beverly Hills police that she was held against her will at Ratner’s mansion, Hilhaven Lodge, “by two males who both unlawfully touched her,” Lt. Elisabeth Albanese told The Times this month.
The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office declined to file criminal charges against Ratner and Simmons due to insufficient evidence.


Now that I've read these articles, I'm more than done. I'm actually hoping he's arrested and put in prison. The other woman he assaulted with 10 time offender Ratner actually went to the police. Furthermore, Simmons supposedly wrote Terry Crews and asked him to forgive the white man that grabbed his genitals. 

And now Crews attacker, Adam Venit, has gone back to his job


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