Black voter turn out in Alabama was off the hook. Upwards of 70 percent of black voters turned out to stomp Roy Moore to dust and hand Doug Jones the win in Alabama.
And out of all black voters that showed up to vote, near 94% of black men went for Jones while black women went all out -- same as during the presidential election-- with 97 to 98% of black women voting for Jones.
Early polls, numbers will change...
In other words, black women showed up and showed out...AGAIN. But this time we won. Alabama black women kicked Moore's white supremacist child molesting @$$ to the curb.
And black folks won that race for Alabama despite Roy Moore and his wife dropping two fairly major white supremacy shells trying to rally his white supremacist based in the last two days.
Somebody pulled out a 2011 video where Moore said all the constitutional amendments after the 10th should be scrapped --- which would include the 13th Amendment that freed slaves and the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote.
Then, yesterday, that jackal showed up at the polling station, on his horse Sassy, to vote for himself.
And he still lost
headline from the zero chill New York Daily News
My stomach hurts. I've been laughing so hard. So hard. The memes I've seen have been so funny.
Most important though? Trump's endorsement lost. Not only did Roy Moore loose, Trump endorsed Luther Strange to run for the Senate seat over Moore in the first place -- and Strange lost.
It has now been established that Trump is not all powerful with white people.
Then again, it has been established he is still very powerful with the majority of white people. More than 2/3rds of white people voted for Moore, a man who preyed on young girls in school when he was in his thirties.
I'm reading only 55% of the white electorate showed up to vote - but I think that's in the normal zone of 55 to 65 percent turn out. Black voter turn out at 72 percent, if that's the right number is correct, is simply high.
Black people in the U.S. have just proven that we only need one-third of white voters to overcome white supremacist voter. We just did it in a very, very conservative, ex-confederate state.
I've been preaching this all year --starting a third party led by black and brown people, only needing one-third of white voters--and EVEN I DIDN'T THINK this voting block could win in a deep like Alabama
This vote should also have proved to us, to us as black people and especially black women, that WE ARE a voting block to be contended with.It's going to be interesting to see if the white democrats finally start to understand that we do not need win over the white Trumpthuglicans. We need to out vote them. And for that we need high black and brown voter turn out.
And in order to have high black and brown voter turn out, we need to "keep hope alive" in our breasts. LOL
It is important to note that Doug Jones got high black and brown voter turn out because, as a prosecutor, he put some KKK demons in jail for crimes during Civil Rights movement.
Going for the block of someone like Moore is motivation enough for me a lot of days. But it is good and satisfying to reward a candidate, that happens to be white, for demonstrating that he can actually produce results that directly benefit black and brown people, produce results that take aim at reducing white supremacy.
It will be a good thing for blacks to be DEMANDING of white candidates in the future. As Janet Jackson would sing, "What have you done for me lately?" is the right question for all white candidates...until we can create a black and brown led third party
You know what else left me breathless with laughter and schadenfreude joy last night?
Jeff Sessions, who Trump pulled from his Alabama senate seat to be Attorney General, was replaced by a democrat --IN ALABAMA-- where that wasn't supposed to be possible. And now Trump can't stand Jeff Sessions because Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation.|
And that alt-Right loser Bannon was behind Moore, got him on the republican ticket instead of Trump's first choice, Luther Strange. And Moore LOST!!! HAAA!
So now Bannon's getting trounced by members of his own party --who knew Bannon went too damn far a long time ago. The status-quo republicans know perfectly doggone well they have to keep their white supremacy at dog whistle level. But now Bannon has trapped them with the alt-Right overt racism....and a voting base that CRAVES MORE overt white supremacy.
But the most important thing that happened is this:
The Senate is now split 51 to 49. This means Obamacare is a little safer than it was. This means the runaway train that was the republicans has been slowed down a little. The republicans can only lose one republican on any given vote.
The republicans have to worried about what's going to happen to them in the 2018 midterm elections. But that'll wait.
For now, I'm just waiting for McTwitterwits next few tweets.
Maybe the U.S. isn't going to crash and burn after all.

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