A repost

Tanya Fields said,
Harriet Tubman would have put a bullet in her and [stepped] over her (Don't believe me just read up on Harriet). I suggest we do the same...figuratively.
I don't have a thing for her.
Not one iota.
I understand that we have to navigate capitalism and racism best we can and that's even trickier for Black women at certain intersections but she wasn't tying to make hard decisions to survive. She took glee in being apart of the destruction that is white supremacy and she thought her participation would exempt her but she's a bed wench (I said what I said and I almost never use that term).
She thought she had a seat at the table but failed to realize they only needed her to fetch water, wine and place settings, like a good house negress. They wanted her to keep the other negroes in check and it filled them with such excitement when she projected her self loathing and she used a little subjugation, abuse and tyranny to do it.
And they threw her out kicking and screaming like she was trash.
It was the literal visual of what this country thinks of Black women collectively. They let her do the dirty work and then discarded her.
I guess she forgot that this country was built on the (stolen and exploited) labor of Black women. They reminded her pretty Black ass.
The ancestors want us to have compassion but they also don't want us to be fools. She could go off into obscurity and I wouldn't bat an eye. She is no friend to Black people, she isn't even a friend to herself. I don't wish ill on her but if ill is all she reaps it is just because that is what she sowed.
I am tired of Black folks especially women welcoming back those who would cut us and our families down without thought for a mere SNIFF of what greedy white folks got in their table. She BEEN left us out there so as far as I'm concerned she's on her own. In short, f*ck her.
Robin Roberts, of all people, said it all on Good Morning America
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