Saturday, August 4, 2018


Apparently, a naked stoned and/or crazy black man broke into a home in Aurora Colorado. By the time the white adults in the home wake up and figure out what's happening, the black man is sitting on the edge of a bathtub, biting the boy's ear.

I won't debate whether the black man deserved shooting. He probably did if the white homeowners can be believed in regards to the circumstances. If someone laid hands on my son, I'd mow them down the quickest way I could. However, in my opinion, you don't use a bring a gun to a baseball bat fight. That is, even if I had a gun, I probably wouldn't have used it against someone holding a child I cared about.  

With a naked man without a weapon, there were at least half a dozen SAFER options to get that man's hands off that child. In the bathroom, for example, there's probably cleaning fluid to spray in his eyes.

But Grandpa, Mr. Gary Black, chose to get his gun and shoot the intruder. He was a Vietnam Vet, so he knew how to use a gun and, even more importantly,  he didn't panic and hit his grandchild. Great. 

But when the police arrive and they tell Black to drop his weapon, he turns around with a flashlight in one hand and gun in the other. Boom. He's dead. 

The police shot him four times, in fear for their lives I presume.

In my mind, this police shooting was about...oh, maybe...1000 times more justified than any death protested by BLACK LIVES MATTER. 

Mr. Black might have been hard of hearing or maybe in shock by what had just happened. But this still sounds like it was "just" a tragic accident, especially if we're going to use the same criteria used to justify the death of Tamir Rice.
It sounds to me like Grandpa Black had 4 to 5 more chances to drop his gun before he was shot. Police told him to drop his weapon that many times. 
Compare: Tamir had zero chances. Officer Timothy Loehmann got out of the police car they'd driven onto a playground and shot Tamir Rice, a 12 year old boy with a toy gun, almost instantly

Mr. Black's son, Chad Hayashi, in trying to reconcile himself to his father's death is trying to convince himself that his father saved the entire family  from being a naked black guy. And it sounds like he wants to hold police accountable for his father's death because police didn't give his father enough time to respond. So, I'll be interested to see what happens from here. 

I'm thinking nothing should come of his complaint. It was an accident, right?

But I'm wondering if
 there's this thing that I know that white and pale mixed-race people probably don't know. And it's this: If you're going to handle your business using a gun, you better wait until that business is finished before you call police. I'm pretty sure most black people know if you call the police to help you while you have a gun in your hand, you've signed your own death warrant. 

However, this is not a real answer to the gun happy cops either. 

Maybe Mr. Black's life would have mattered more to the cops that showed up on the scene if the entire country had been interested in having nuanced discussions about how police are handling THEIR business with THEIR guns. 

This police shooting of law abiding citizen happened in Colorado, but in the Los Angeles area --in the last two weeks-- cops have shot and killed hostages (one white and one Asian, I think)  
And according to the article above, the cop who shot Mr. Black shot somebody else just this past June. Justified shooting or not, why is Jumpy Jack Jahosaphat with a badge back on the street with a gun so fast?
In any case, if BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO had been taken seriously by those not black, maybe we'd be 5 years into these discussions about police brutality, police stupidity, and police cowardice, in addition to police white supremacy. 

But white folks can keep talking that BLUE LIVES MATTER
MOST yakety-yak if they want to. They're just reinforcing what cops already believe...and they shoot folks to prove it from time to time. Only it's not going to be just black and brown folks getting killed by police as time goes on. Trust. 


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