Wednesday, August 1, 2018


I've been saying this over and over for a few years now. White people afraid of the demographic shift toward black and brown are at the heart of the vitriol in our politics.

From Vox  
In 2008, Barack Obama held up change as a beacon, attaching to it another word, a word that channeled everything his young and diverse coalition saw in his rise and their newfound political power: hope. An America that would elect a black man president was an America in which a future was being written that would read thrillingly different from our past.
In 2016, Donald Trump wielded that same sense of change as a threat; he was the revanchist voice of those who yearned to make America the way it was before, to make it great again.  
That was the impulse that connected the wall to keep Mexicans out, the ban to keep Muslims away, the birtherism meant to prove Obama couldn’t possibly be a legitimate president. An America that would elect Donald Trump president was an America in which a future was being written that could read thrillingly similar to our past.
This is the core cleavage of our politics, and it reflects the fundamental reality of our era: America is changing, and fast. According to the Census Bureau, 2013 marked the first yearthat a majority of US infants under the age of 1 were nonwhite. The announcement, made during the second term of the nation’s first African-American president, was not a surprise. 
Demographers had been predicting such a tipping point for years, and they foresaw more to come.
And it is THIS that Bernie and his bro-s keeping trying to cover up with the *white working class people were desperate for change so they voted for Trump* bullsh**" Study after study came out after the 2016 election. And what prompted Trumpthuglicans to vote for Trump was maintaining white supremacy.
To be more specific, it's the white supremacy failing that's brought back overt racism in a big way. White people are going to fail at being numerically superior and that is scaring them. 
And a scared dominating demographic is a dangerous demographic. 
Cops, as the leading edge of white supremacy, keep the world order as it "should be." It is no accident we're seeing so many white people harass and kill black and brown people while police (then prosecutors and judges) standby and watch it, then endorse it. 
These MAGA Maggots are trying to hold the white line.

And the political leaders among them are completely aware of this, even if the run-of-the-mill Trumpthugican doesn't know he or she is motivated by protecting white supremacy. The average Trumpthuglican thinks their motivations regarding immigration are based on "law and order." 

Well white republicans have been beating the law-and-order drum forever and it seems like the laws they want ordered have to do with black and brown people. For example, black and brown crack addicts were the weakest scum of the earth. But now that white mommy's are passing out in grocery stores while their toddler tries to wake them up, now drug addiction is a "disease" and people need help -- instead of a mandatory prison sentence for 5 grams. 

New rules slashing crack cocaine sentences go into effect(2011)
Fear Of A Black And Brown Planet (and Country) is why Steve Bannon is pushing folks to tell Trump to make immigration and his wall a big deal again. Bannon and Trump, both, know that stoking the fears of white supremacists (his base) will energize them to vote in November.
We, the coalition of black, brown, and just 1/3rd of white people, have to be energized back and overwhelm them at the voting booths come November 2018 and again in November 2020.

A little less than 2/3rds of white people voted for an obvious white supremacist. Black and brown people are in a political battle for our lives and the people we have as leaders are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. It's as critical we get rid of these spineless poll-readers as it is we get rid of all the republicans we can. 

Anybody who pretended to NOT KNOW "Trump is a racist" until Charlottesville and STILL cannot string those four words together in public is too weak to lead anybody anywhere.
We have republicans AND democrats to drive out of office.

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