Saturday, November 3, 2018


Imagine being trapped on a boat, stacked like this....for weeks, sometimes months. Suffering from malnutrition, beatings, [raped by white men before you were even put on the boat], and if you got too sick from the unsanitary conditions, you were thrown overboard to the sharks. Or they just let you die in chains....sandwiched between the living.  

If you rebelled even a little bit, you were thrown overboard to the sharks. [Sharks migratory and feeding patterns changed during slavery there was so much "food" thrown overboard during the middle passage.] 
[Imagined being chained, if and when you were on deck, to many, many others so you could not commit suicide ]
After enduring all of were sold in markets like cattle and worked to death. Your children and their children and their children's children lived their entire lives out in bondage.
And [very nearly] none were ever able to go back home.
Our ancestors endured unimaginable brutalities. When we remember our ancestors, we must remember this.
I honor those that have come before me. I honor those who sleep beneath the waves.
~Original Text From
The Radical, Facebook

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