Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Just kidding. There is no 2019 edition of The Green Book planned. But maybe there should be based on how things are going in Trump's America lately. * * * * * The photographer of the prom photo below supposedly told the white boys therein to raise their hands. That vague instruction was most of what he supposedly said according to a boy, Jordan Blue, who refused to follow the instruction.

Now, the photographer is either claiming the boys are not doing Nazi salutes or that it was just a joke. I'm not sure what he's claiming except his right to pseudo white outrage at being accused of instigating this latest example of white supremacy.*
*By the way, in case you didn't know: Rabid White Supremacy excludes of a lot of white looking people from whiteness, including Jewish and Latino people-- even though some appear to forget that and go so far as to work for and vote for somebody like Orange Chump.

Look closely at this picture. Many, not all, of the white boys took a very definitive Nazi stance.

And I say the stance is definitive in some cases because if you, me and the rest of the world had never ever heard of a Nazi -- if Nazi's had never come to exist-- that particular pose would not have been anybody's natural response to "raise your hand."

Somebody's lying. All we're talking about now is how big the lie is. And I think the lie is big enough to encompass the entire town.

If "raise your hand" or "say goodbye to the camera" is really all the photographer said, then that entire school and possibly the entire town has a white supremacy / anti-semitism problem -- except the one white boy they've been interviewing who refused to do it (Top right corner, bow tie) and very few others. It's been reported that one of the parents yelled "stop it" as the photo was being taken.
Think about it. A large percentage of white boys (and possibly one black kid) spontaneously did a Nazi salute in response to a vague instruction. Then a grown ass white man saw multiple Nazi poses through the lens of his camera and took the photo anyway.
In my mind, the entire town has a white supremacy problem. I would not feel safe driving through there or staying in a hotel there. I really wouldn't.

Now, take a moment to look at the front center Nazi poser, the one in the light jacket and red vest. Beside him is a boy in a dark jacket and red tie who appears to be making an O.K sign against his leg with his hand. In the last month or so, I've read that this is a white supremacy hand signal.

People on social media, who live near this town, this school, have said they are not surprised by behavior of this sort from this particular area. So, taken altogether, I'd say Baraboo Wisconsin needs to be in 2019 edition of The Green Book as a place for people of color should avoid when traveling in order to be safe.
* * * * *
Don't know what The Green Book was and should be again? Here's an article:

A Black Motorists’ Guide to America, Newly Relevant

The “Green Book,” a travel manual published between 1936 and 1967 — and now the premise of a film by the same name — feels as necessary as ever.
...In the popular imagination, segregation was a sudden, irrevocable act — one day, white people enslaved black people, and the next, white people enacted Jim Crow. In fact, Jim Crow’s implementation varied from state to state — an attrition of rights afforded by Reconstruction that white people ignored and so were able to convince themselves, after a generation, that it had always been that way. 
There were spaces of safety and freedom and spaces of danger, and it was not clear, unless you grew up there and knew the white people you were dealing with, which was which. 
The first edition of the “Green Book,” published in 1936, was for travelers in the New York metropolitan area. The assumption that safety was guaranteed in the North must be thrown out the window when we discuss black people’s mobility. The “Green Book” began to cover the entire nation (as well as the Caribbean) because demand for it was so high, but also because of how institutionalized racism was across the country.
Read More:

A new dramedy called GREEN BOOK is due out in theaters in wide release on November 21, 2018, starring Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen.


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