The white supremacist
"fringe groups"
like the KKK, Neo Nazis, and skinheads came together in
the largest white supremacy rally in decades
Steve Bannon is alt-Right and Trump's Chief Strategist.
Sebastian Gorka, a"Deputy Assistant" to Trump, is alt-Right
Stephen Miller has strong alt-Right ties and he writes Trump's speeches (Read it here:
Richard Spencer is alt-Right, and his name is at the top of the poster that promoted the UNITE THE RIGHT rally in Charlottesville. And Richard Spencer was a mentor for Stephen Miller when they were at Duke together.
Alt-Right is in the White House. Every time the press says "Neo Nazi" in place of "Alt-Right" they are helping Trump take the white supremacy spotlight off him-- where it belongs.
Alt-Right may be bringing a bunch of fringe groups together under a nice sounding name. But it's also bringing in white people who think "alt-Right" sounds better than KKK or neo-Nazi. Alt-Right brings a lot of white people together, some of whom do not like to think of themselves of white racists.
Alt-Right is huge. And Alt-Right needs to be dragged out into the light. And our mainstream press is not doing that nearly enough.
Over the weekend I only heard "alt-Right" occasionally on ABC and Reuters, usually inserted by a non-white television anchor --which means not often at all. A sizable percentage of the press is trying to make this about a bunch of "fringe" white supremacy groups.
Alt-Right isn't white supremacy fringe. Alt-Right is white supremacy central. Alt-Right calls together the white "fringe" white supremacists like KKK and neo-Nazi. But alt-Right is also safe sounding enough to call white supremacists who don't want to think of themselves as white supremacists. That is, there are white people (and non-white people) who think white supremacy ideals are just fine but they do not want the label of "KKK" or "neo-Nazi" or "white supremacist." Alt-Right fits the bill.
Alt-Right joins various levels of physically violent white supremacists and verbally violent white supremacists and those white supremacists who only open their lips to say things like "Why do we have to be so politically correct all the time?" when they want to say the n-word or defend a confederate statue in a park somewhere.
And Alt-Right represents the core values of this White House. Trump pretty much admitted he was forced to make a direct statement condemning white supremacy on Sunday after tremendous pressure to do so -- even from white supremacy friendly moderate republicans. Not only was his second speech on Charlottesville still insincere, he proved how insincere hours later.
Trump re-tweeted an alt-Right tweet
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This tweet basically says (in dog whistle racism speak) forget Charlottesville look at them n-words in Chicago (again.)
By the way, your city would be murder central too if your city was as defacto segregated as Chicago while having a 74% unsolved murder rate --which was more than double the national average in 2015
In fact -- you know what-- if I decide to become a crime boss in my next life, Chicago here I come.
Black and brown people already know this. But by now the nature of alt-Right ought to be undeniable to the predominantly white press.
Call the press on their crap every single time you can. Find ABC, NBC, CBS,Reuters, CNN, Associate Press and tell them alt-Right needs to be at center of their reporting on The Charlottesville White Supremacist Terrorism Incident. And they need to link Trump to alt-Right every time.
"Alt-Right" needs to fall on everyone's ears in exactly the same way that "KKK" and "Neo-Nazi" does. Everyone needs to visualize a violent hoodless KKK-level white supremacist every time they hear "alt-Right." That's when we'll be able to flush them out of the white house...bringing us that much closer to getting Trump to resign.
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alt-Right's Richard Spencer at the top of the poster |
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