ABC NEWS RADIO says the car rammed into counter protesters. When this happens in France and Germany it's called "a terrorist attack."
If "Blood and Soil" and "White Lives Matter" chants continued from last night, then it's a hate crime too.
"Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe had already declared a state of emergency, after White nationalists and counter-protesters clashed on the streets of Charlottesville ahead of a “Unite the Right” rally. The University of Virginia instructed students to shelter in place, Larry Sabato, the director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, told The Atlantic in an email....

The incident quickly reignited a familiar debate. Often, in cases of domestic attacks, there are questions over what constitutes a terrorist attack. A vehicle hitting pedestrians, in particular, is reminiscent of attacks that have occurred in Europe."
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All this white precipitated violence and police haven't fired a shot as far as I know.
Melania Trump responded with a tweet before the president tweeted or said anything. It's been suggested he was dragging his feet. To some it appeared to some that is was governor McAuliffe who pressured Trump into saying something about the protests at all.
McAuliffe to Trump. "Our work is just beginning...and so is yours"
Furthermore when Trump did speak on the race riot/ terrorist attack (whatever it winds up being called) he tap danced trying to avoid speaking on the subject. During a special news conference, he walked back to shake hands with Veterans and mentioned some veterans legislation he's going to sign. He spend a few seconds on the race riot/terrorist event then spoke on how well employment rates are. He went on to say how there's violence "on many sides" he tried to spread the blame.
Then Trump went on to say how this kind of thing predates his presidency. <---Deflection
TRUMP SPEECH Off topic- on topic - deflection-off topic-on topic - spread blame- off topic
I didn't think it was possible for a white president to give a weaker pushback against white supremacy than all those white presidents that went before.
I stand corrected
After Trump went off the air, ABC NEWS reported that KKK
(prior Grand Dragon) David Duke sent a message on social media(?) telling Trump he needed to speak on Charlottesville while remembering the white people who put him in office
No worries there. Trump remembers who his white supremacist friends are. That was the weakest condemnation of white supremacy I've ever seen. And that's saying something in this country.
Charlottesville pre-protest last night (August 11 2017) |
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