Yes, I'm talking about TrumpleRacistSkin
This is the usual order of events
1) Trump feels bad about himself
2) Trump sets up a rally so white people will cheer for him
3) Trump feels better about himself
But will it work this time?
But will it work this time?

Arizona has a reputation for being super white though it may be that Phoenix is not.
And the whites are powerful and ugly there. This is the home of Joe Arpaio, racial profiler of "illegal immigrants" no matter what the court says -- which is why he's due to go to jail...unless Trump pardons him.
Arizona is the home of Jan Brewster, shake her m**** f**** finger in then President Obama's face.
Arizona is the home of remove the books by Latino "radicals" because from schools because they are getting the brown folk too riled up.
Dems in Arizona are scared of what will happen, post-Charlottesville, of what will happen if Trump follows through on pardoning that freaking ethnoracist Arpaio
Arizona is the home of Jan Brewster, shake her m**** f**** finger in then President Obama's face.
Arizona is the home of remove the books by Latino "radicals" because from schools because they are getting the brown folk too riled up.
Dems in Arizona are scared of what will happen, post-Charlottesville, of what will happen if Trump follows through on pardoning that freaking ethnoracist Arpaio
....because I'm sure Chucklehead McTwitterwit was on track to do just that, pardon Arpaio....until Charlottesville.
Question is will Chucklehead still do it?
I'm thinking he will. I'm thinking his penis feels small right now. I have been able to expound on my thoughts but I think white supremacy is usually white male driven version of toxic masculinity and alt-Right is the latest manifestation of that.
Trump oozes toxic masculinity all the time, nearly every time he speaks. That master of the universe white supremacy speech is always undergirded by "I AM THE BIG DOG IN HERE."
Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer sounds the same way too, every single time I've heard him talk.
Question is will Chucklehead still do it?
I'm thinking he will. I'm thinking his penis feels small right now. I have been able to expound on my thoughts but I think white supremacy is usually white male driven version of toxic masculinity and alt-Right is the latest manifestation of that.
Trump oozes toxic masculinity all the time, nearly every time he speaks. That master of the universe white supremacy speech is always undergirded by "I AM THE BIG DOG IN HERE."
Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer sounds the same way too, every single time I've heard him talk.
Neither one of them can probably satisfy a woman for very long.
Most of the white cop on black men interactions --the male end of Black Lives Matter issues-- are about proving who is the bigger man too. And the leading edge of white supremacy, cops, are winning that fight hands down because they have the weight of the law behind them.
So I think Trump will step out in front of everyone and pardon Joe Arpaio to prove his manhood hasn't shrunk by an inch after the ass whuppin he's taken over his response to Charlottesville.
I think he will
I'm thinking he's been advised against this.
But I know in my bones he wants to
Most of the white cop on black men interactions --the male end of Black Lives Matter issues-- are about proving who is the bigger man too. And the leading edge of white supremacy, cops, are winning that fight hands down because they have the weight of the law behind them.
So I think Trump will step out in front of everyone and pardon Joe Arpaio to prove his manhood hasn't shrunk by an inch after the ass whuppin he's taken over his response to Charlottesville.
I think he will
I'm thinking he's been advised against this.
But I know in my bones he wants to
Will he do it? That's the question.
And if he does what will be he outcome in the very white controlled Arizona, the most western state of the confederacy
I'm never sure with Mexican populations how safe their population feels as opposed to how numerous they are. I can never figure out who is telling the truth about what percentage of them are undocumented and what percentage of the documented have undocumented family members to worry about.
We may see Charlottesville 2.0. We may see nothing at all even if he pardon's Arpaio. But I think the toxic masculinity / white supremacy cocktail inside him is going to come together and cause him to spew barely hidden, racist venom just like he did last week.
General Thinks He's In Charge Of Communications can talk to DJ The Chump until he's blue in the face. But I think this genius will pour gasoline on whatever he decides to do or not do reference Arpaio.
We may see Charlottesville 2.0. We may see nothing at all even if he pardon's Arpaio. But I think the toxic masculinity / white supremacy cocktail inside him is going to come together and cause him to spew barely hidden, racist venom just like he did last week.
General Thinks He's In Charge Of Communications can talk to DJ The Chump until he's blue in the face. But I think this genius will pour gasoline on whatever he decides to do or not do reference Arpaio.
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