Sunday, January 7, 2018


I don't know anything about Russell Brand other than he's white or white-passing and a comedian, both of which means he's probably said something I don't like that I haven't seen yet.

But I really like what he said in the video below. 

Generally speaking, I find that the people who believe in God --however they choose to worship him -- are most often genuine and likeable and engage-able when they have let themselves down and aren't just giving lipservice to the idea that "I'm a sinner too" just because they have impure thoughts or something. People who have picked themselves back up after a real stumble have the OPPORTUNITY to grab hold of real humility.

I'm guessing that Russell Brand was an addict of some sort. The only snippets of movies and television shows I've seen him in have him playing somebody stoned. So his attitudes toward God and getting through the day are part of his "recovery" as he describes here. 

So his recovery may be a whole life change for him or a temporary attitude to get his feet under him good again so he can go back to being however he was before. Who knows? But for now, his words on living life with intention may forever give life to someone else who is struggling.

I like what he said here. 

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