Friday, January 12, 2018

White Carrier Workers Learn That WHITE-LIKE-ME Doesn't Matter As Much As RICH-LIKE ME

Despite all the negative rhetoric I heard Trump say about NOT-WHITE PEOPLE before my job WAS EVER IN JEOPARDY I thought Trump was a truth teller. So I believed him because he's white and I'm white too.

(from the New Yorker)
"Today, the profitable H.V.A.C. company, owned by United Technologies Corporation—a federal contractor whose climate, controls, and security division, of which Carrier is a part, reported three billion dollars in operating profit in 2016—is letting go of more than two hundred employees in its second and final wave of Indiana-based layoffs, which began last July. In total, the company will be laying off more than five hundred employees as it moves manufacturing jobs to Monterrey, Mexico.
Many of those employees voted for Donald Trump, who made saving Carrier’s “big, beautiful plant” one of his most repeated campaign promises. It was part of his broader preëlection claim that “A Trump Administration will stop the jobs from leaving America.”

That promise is the main reason that the soon-to-be ex-Carrier employees Renee Elliott and Duane Oreskovic voted for Trump...
When Carrier announced the planned layoffs, in February of 2016, on what many employees soon began calling “D Day,” their financial futures suddenly came into question. Then, in the run-up to the election, Trump seemed to offer a solution, with his tough talk about stopping the flow of American jobs to other countries, including Mexico.

“We took him serious,” Elliott said, tearing up as she sat in a booth at Sully’s, “because he did seem to be an entrepreneur. He knew this offshoring shit was gonna go down, and ‘I’m not gonna stand for it’ is the way he made it sound. Hillary never said a word to us or about us. Obama never flew Air Force One to our facility, like he did to one in Elkhart, Indiana, when he was campaigning. 
I thought, This man is not gonna be anybody’s puppet.” Elliott went on, “It was an easy vote for me. " "

As part of this deal Trump took credit for, Carrier got millions in tax breaks...taxes that are need to pay for welfare that Elliot may need one day quite soon. But that tax incentive the company got was so much nothing compared to their ability to pay Mexican workers little more than $3 an hour.

And that tax cut the corporation got? They're using that to increase automation which reduces their need for employees even more.

CONCLUSION: Like I said in November of 2016, the entitled white folks that voted for Trump will be eating lawn mower clippings before long. So all I have to say to this is CONGRATULATIONS on reaping what you sowed.

May the rest of us be spared your fate because we failed to stop your white supremacy cosigning asses.
* * * * *
I've been trying to search myself and see if I have any empathy for the white folks like Renee at all. But the answer is pretty close to "No. None at all."

If I'd have been working at Carrier and desperate to keep my job and a roof over my head, maybe as a black person I'd have been silent when Trump came to visit if he said he'd save the plant I was working at  --because I know who and what he is.
If I was white and he came to say he'd save my job, maybe I'd have pretended I was grateful with a silent fake smile  -- because I've had ample opportunity to know who and what he is 
Who and what Trump is has always been obvious to any-white-body who spent one millisecond concerned about anybody not white like self
That's why the only thing I would NOT have done, regardless of my hypothetical skin color, is actually vote for the KKKluxer-In-Chief, much less come out and say "I believed...."

Therefore, Renee can go screw herself and the horse she rode in on too.

All of this is why a lot of black and brown folk --and some white folk too-- are sitting around today, smiling and sipping tea, thinking "My, my my...The Schadenfreude is so incredibly sweet today." BLACKCHICKROCKED.BLOGSPOT.COM

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