Trump's racist motives are crystal clear.
White American memories are SHORT.
The time for democrats to strike hard is now.
But that's not what's happening
To me this means Democrats should have leaned in hard on DACA or not bothered with a shutdown at all.
The white mainstream press is currently using the word "racist" in regards to Trump and not just "racially motivated" as of January 11, 2018 due to Trump's "sh*thole countries" comments.
All the democrats had to do was repeat this OBVIOUS white main stream media conclusion as to his motives.
Strong language? Yes.
Necessary? Yes.
Risky? Yes.
No risk. No gain. The democrats have proven their aversion to risk and progress over and over.
They offered Trump some money on his worthless 14th century solution to a 21st century problem, the border wall, in exchange for DACA-- which I think was what Trump originally wanted. But he wouldn't sign the bipartisan agreement once his Make America White Again base started screaming their support of deporting 800,000 folks they see as not-ever-white
The democrats should have leaned in hard after this or not bothered with the shutdown at all.
It's one thing for Dems to lose. It's another thing for them to just freaking fold hoping to get re-elected in 2018.
I could be wrong.
Maybe moderate republicans have been put between a rock and a hard place on DACA. Maybe the moderates NEVER had the intention of deporting DACA folks regardless of Trump's hardcore white supremacy.
But now republicans moderates may have to figure out if they want to side with Trump in an attempt to be re-elected in 2018 and 2020.
....which is why so many republicans are retiring all of a sudden just ahead of a critical voting season.
Some of these "moderate" republicans know the using Southern Strategy and using the white supremacy dog whistle days are over --for the time being-- and can't stand the strong OVERT racist wind coming from Trump and his white supremacist base.
We're going to have to wait and see if Republicans will vote to keep DACA recipients in the country LIKE THEY PROBABLY WOULD HAVE before Trump opened his white supremacist mouth a few months back.
This almost has to be what Schumer is betting on. But we're 10 months out from 2018 election now. And we'll be closer in three weeks time if no deal is struck. The republicans are going to become more and more likely to vote whatever gets them re-elected, conscience be damned as time goes on.
So Schumer better be right about how republicans will vote. Then he has to be right about getting Trump to sign off on whatever congress agrees on....sans any real pressure to make Trump separate from his white supremacist base.
I guess we'll see in three weeks.
But I'm really betting on "moderate" republicans who HAVE TO KNOW Trump is temporary and black and brown voters are an increasing threat to their political longevity. Moderate republicans have to know that deporting 800,000 DREAMERS will haunt them long after Trump has gone back to reality television.
Graham tees off on [Alt-Right] Stephen Miller over immigration
headline (in case you've forgotten who Stephen Miller is)_
He Is One With Them
In other words, I have more faith in republican self-preservation than I do in the democrats standing firm on anything. Maybe this is what Schumer is betting on too. He had better be right.
We'll see in three weeks if this can come out right for DREAMERS, one way or the other. But any way you slice it, I'm tired of the spinelessness I've seen in Nancy and Chuck.
Top Democrat: It's Time For Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer To Step Aside
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