"Near the beginning of the series [ SURVIVING R KELLY], an infamous clip plays from a 2018 Facebook Live session. In it, Kelly addresses the latest wave of backlash against him, shouting out his supporters and blowing off his critics. Surrounded by boisterous supporters, he gloats, “It’s too late, they should’ve did this shit 30 years ago.”
And if black feminists were
as powerful then as they are now,
as powerful then as they are now,
while he was still weak
(30 years back = not rich, not famous),
AND he was not black-idolized by the greedy poor
for getting rich in a white supremacist environment;
AND he was not making money hand over fist
for the black men in charge
of individual music companies X and Y
of individual music companies X and Y
AND ALSO, more importantly,
the white men in charge of the music industry,
THEN #MuteRKelly would, indeed, have worked
R. Kelly is dead right about it being 30 years too late for something like #MuteRKelly to work on to stop a pedophile preying on black girls in 2018
No diggity. No doubt.
Thirty years back, instead of coming together to take R. Kelly down --before his music caught on with little white boys wanting to absorb and appropriate black cool, the black community protected the endangered black male, (insert sarcastic tone here) the only ones REALLY suffering under white supremacy.
When a black man or black woman truly believes that black women do not suffer white supremacy as much then further believe sexism and misogyny are not systemic and deadly (despite domestic violence rates in the black community) then you get what you've got
-- a large percentage of the black community willing to rise up and protect any black man, no matter how obvious it is that he's a lowlife
-- a large percentage of the black community willing to rise up and protect any black man, no matter how obvious it is that he's a lowlife
...even at the expense of little black girls.
I understand this, but I will never forget the black community's response to the 14 year old black girl child Kelly statutorily raped and urinated on.
"She knew what she was doing" was implied and straight up said by black men and ring-through-the-nose black women.I'll never forget that traitorous bullsh*t.
all grown up nowhttps://www.thedailybeast.com/surviving-r-kelly-exposes-how-the-randb-singer-got-away-with-sexually-abusing-girls-for-decades |
This is why I'm glad Aaron McGruder preserved some of the black community's patriarchal crap in a cartoon, a BOONDOCKS episode.
In THE TRIAL OF ROBERT episode, Huey (the wanna be activist,) wanted R. Kelly to held accountable for peeing on the little black girl while Riley (the wanna be criminal) wanted R. Kelly to keep on making music, keep on being rich, being male, and therefore being a black hero.
Too many black folks thinking paralleled Riley's.And just like the Catholic Church can't be absolved from protecting those pedophile priests and gymnastic officials (and a host of unnamed others) cannot be absolved of covering for Larry Nassar, the patriarchy soaked black community cannot be absolved of R. Kelly.
Let me stop to say this again: I don't care what white folks are doing with their predators. I care about little black girls. That means I want our predators thrown in the trash.
And I say this just having heard from a video of an ex-bunny, ex-f*ck buddy of of the repulsive old lecher Hugh Hefner, a buddy of Cosby's. According to Hefner's ex, Holly Madison, author of DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE, Hefner referred to the quaaludes he gave young girls he persuaded to sleep with his repulsive, wrinkled ass, as "thigh openers." And he was
Quaaludes were also the drugs that Hefner's friend Bill Cosby used to allegedly drug and rape multitudes of women. In a recent case, model Chloe Goins claimed that Cosby raped her in the Playboy Mansion in 2008, and alleged that Hefner "conspired" with his friend in her assault...
Despite the responsibility the black community bears for raising R. Kelly high enough that he became white-famous, it was the white men in power who really counted when it came to discounting little black girls, raped by Kelly, as nothing
---girls of all shades really, because any white woman not married to a white man has a fairly low status too.
Brock Turner's barely there prison sentence for raping an unmarried white woman should have showed everybody, except white women in denial, that white men mostly care about protecting other white men. Larry Nasser managing to skate for years despite sexually assaulting little white girls, should be telling us all the very same thing. Married white women have high status, but even that is a secondary status conveyed to them by their white husbands, which means they are one divorce away from...
Yet, the other group that powerful, white male power brokers protect tooth and nail are other men that make them money, and that includes a bunch of rich, quasi-powerful, performer-class black men like Bill Cosby and R. Kelly, who can be seen as the Larry Nassar of the black community.
White male power brokers, that work behind the scenes, don't offer the same level of protection to black men that they offer white men who rape, but the protection is significant.
Again, Hugh Hefner, who referred to the quaaludes he gave to young women as "thigh openers," got away scott free (unless you believe in hell)

But make no mistake, the white men in who own football teams are the only ones with power enough
White male power brokers, that work behind the scenes, don't offer the same level of protection to black men that they offer white men who rape, but the protection is significant.
Again, Hugh Hefner, who referred to the quaaludes he gave to young women as "thigh openers," got away scott free (unless you believe in hell)

But make no mistake, the white men in who own football teams are the only ones with power enough
-protect the Darren Sharpers from rape accusations so he can continue to play football -- right up until the player retires his revenue stream (mostly) dries up.
-allow the R. Kellys' and a whole host of others to continue with their careers, despite rape accusations involving young girls.
The white man's decision
to protect a black man
is based on whether or not
that black man has the ability
to make money for him,
hand over fist.
to protect a black man
is based on whether or not
that black man has the ability
to make money for him,
hand over fist.
For example:
When Cosby quasi-retired,
they cut him loose.
However, this white male protection is not often afforded to black women. Truth be told, there's not much evidence one way or the other, as there haven't been a bunch of black women in positions of power until relatively recently (Shonda Rhimes, Mara Brock Akil, Ava DuVernay)
But patriarchy being what it is, hypocritical men will punish a woman who does anything that can make a man imagine a tramp-stamp on her forehead --money or no money, apparently.
But patriarchy being what it is, hypocritical men will punish a woman who does anything that can make a man imagine a tramp-stamp on her forehead --money or no money, apparently.
Les Moonves, recently taken down by #MeToo at CBS, did everything in his power to destroy Janet Jackson's career after her wardrobe malfunction at some concert of sports arena.
Apparently, there is not wrath like the wrath of a hypocritical man whose patriarchy has been scorned via a woman acting, in his opinion, like a tramp.
As for how R. Kelly got away with it so long?
First of all,
any conversation aimed to answer this question
that does not begin
that does not begin
by talking about how Jerry Lee Lewis,
whose career was destroyed(?) by
whose career was destroyed(?) by
his decision to marry his 13 year old cousin
then end
by talking about Elvis dating a 14 year old Priscilla
until she was old enough to marry
and getting away with it,
contains an incomplete answer
Elvis may not have been the first white man to get away with preying on girl children, but Elvis' white male protectors set a high profile example for a lot of people that followed.
For example, I did know about Woody Allen marrying his step-daughter and sexually assaulting his adopted daughter. But I didn't know that Paul Walker, of FAST AND FURIOUS fame, got away with being a 33 years old man who could pick up his 16 year old girlfriends up after their 10th grade geometry class --until a day or so after his death (Apparently he "dated" a bunch of underage girls.)
Secondly, any answer meant to address how R. Kelly got away with preying on little girls for decades that does not take into account black men's measuring their masculinity (the fake toxic version) by looking at what white men get away with is also an incomplete answer.
Thirdly, any answer that does not address black women's being trained, almost from birth, to believe that black men are the ones most affected by white supremacy --and therefore the ones deserving of protection-- is also an incomplete answer because most of black female patriarchy is firmly rooted in fear of being accused of anti-blackness.
Woke black folks know that if a black woman comes down hard on any black man, even a predator or an abuser, she will be accused of wanting to be white or wanting to align with white supremacists.
And this sizable percentage of black women are even afraid to turn their backs on Stephon Clarke, who turned his backs on black women when he was alive. And a lot of feminist and non-feminist black women, both, are afraid to say "to hell with that rabid dog, XXXTentacion" or even simply ignore his death, period, despite the heinous abuses he admitted committing against women.
And while non-feminist, black women are finally rejecting R. Kelly in large numbers (at this late hour), over the decades it has been non-feminist black women that have been caping for the black men that hate black women, so much so that they defend a predator like R. Kelly.
Anti-feminist black women...
In other words, in the black community, woman's inhumanity to woman is, in part, based on a pseudo-black-solidarity.
Lastly, any answer that doesn't examine the history of rape culture in this country is a foundation-less answer
So now I'm trying to figure out why I would need to watch the R. Kelly Documentary on Lifetime.
Anti-feminist black women...
... perform their blackness so hard that they (along side anti-feminist black men) make black female victims afraid to speak too.--afraid of being rejection by black men--afraid of other internalized-sexism suffering black women just like themselves.--afraid of their blackness being questioned by black men and pick-me-s
In other words, in the black community, woman's inhumanity to woman is, in part, based on a pseudo-black-solidarity.
Lastly, any answer that doesn't examine the history of rape culture in this country is a foundation-less answer
So now I'm trying to figure out why I would need to watch the R. Kelly Documentary on Lifetime.
- I mean, I've been watching this monster for years and years, knowing he's a monster supported by most of the black community -- "most" until at least the last decade or so.
- I've known for decades that his black female victims are counted as nothing in face of a black man's success within a white supremacist environment -- by black men and black women both.
- And I've always known that any female who can (il)legitimately be called "whore" --even 14 year old girls who have been urinated on -- can be counted as nothing by a majority(?) of non-feminist/ non-womanist black men and black women and especially by anti-feminist black men and anti-feminist black women.
The only reason for me to suffer and watch this documentary is so that I can know the names of more victims and some of the people that enabled Kelly's career
--which would be the same reason I watched that movie about Jerry Sandusky; I wanted to know who knew what and when and how they turned away knowing Sandusky was raping children.So maybe I want to know the same thing about those protecting and enabling R. Kelly. Maybe that's reason enough to watch all by itself.
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