Wednesday, January 17, 2018

MARK THE DATE: 01/11/18

This is the date that Trump finally became a racist as far as the white run main stream media in the U.S. is concerned. Finally, white run news agencies have stopped normalizing Trump, have finally stopped reporting Trump as having said"racially charged" things. Now the white main stream media (w-MSM) is finally saying he is "a racist." All it took was Trump referring to all African countries and Haiti "shitholes"

Was it the worldwide reaction that pushed U.S. news outlets to finally properly acknowledge Trump's racism, a racism most black and brown people living outside New York recognized a decade before the first birther comment aimed at President Obama? (Those living inside New York read Trump for filth multiple decades ago.)
Or maybe the white Main Stream Media finally caught on to the fact that Trump just might be as racist as he sounds when the white supremacist news sites welcomed Trump back into the fold as a result of his sh*thole remarks on 01-11-2018 ?

Nice of white run U.S. news outlets to finally catch up -- way too damn late to stop this facist racist #$%$# from becoming President.

But at least the wMSM could see well enough to follow along behind Black Women, followed by the rest of the planet 14 months and 3 days too late.

The fourth estate in the U.S. is way too close to the worthless end of the spectrum. For the most part, white main stream news outlets report what the majority of citizens are indicating they are indicating they are ready to hear.

And the majority of white people in this country hate hearing the word "racist" applied to a white man, especially when they (63% of white men, 53% of white women) elected that white man to the highest office in the country -- even when they decide that man they elected is "rude" or "boorish" or "politically incorrect."

On 1/11/18, the w-MSM was forced forward, was forced to start stating the obvious, that Trump's a racist, when majority black countries outside the U.S. refused to take Trump's "sh*thole countries" comment without using the word "racist" to describe the remarks and the man who utter the remarks. The w-MSM section of the fourth estate in the U.S. does not see itself as helping to maintain white supremacy, but it absolutely should.

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