Thursday, July 26, 2018


I wonder if he also told his daughter that, without her having access to his money, it would be a lot harder for her to even date -- because the images of black women coming out of Black Hollywood and White Hollywood, both are brainwashing black men.

This is the brain washing toward internalized racism and colorism that says beauty can only be found in a woman's proximity to whiteness, which becomes most apparent when black men start reaching out toward his level of financial success?

The casting of light women first by black men then by white men later as these light women start becoming white-famous is an issue. Olivia Washington may never have a significant acting career no matter how talented she is and no matter how many doors her father can open for her... if the best part of half of the black population has no interest in seeing her.

What I mean to say about black men and colorism is this: They are the core of the black population's colorism problem-- a problem that is 10x more apparent among black women because black women are competing for black men's affections...which is easier when a woman is light-skinned with long hair.

Beyonce rose from black famous to white famous due to her intelligence --of this, there's no doubt. Thousands of light-skinned women that were worshiped due to their proximity to whiteness by powerful black men in the music industry and Hollywood before her have not risen like she has. In fact, a lot of them were sorely used and thrown away. But a dark-skinned woman just as intelligent, clever, and beautiful wouldn't have been embraced by black male power brokers who do most of the entertainment-feeding of the black community. 

Kelly Rowland, the other talented member of DESTINY'S CHILD, is probably walking, talking proof of this.

In fact, I once read that Beyonce's mother had to convince Kelly Rowland that she's beautiful too -- which I just found incredible. But I probably shouldn't have.

So, I'm still waiting for Bill Duke to make the DARK BOYS documentary which ought to start with white woman fetishists like the recently pardoned boxer Jack Johnson and work its way through Bill Cosby through to John Ridley and Michael B Jordan.

This isn't just about hurt feelings. These brainwashed black men are pumping out black entertainment that brainwashes future generations of black boys and black girls who grow up to be parents too. And the problem is world wide.

Significantly higher rates of interracial marriage to white women/light women is connected to sexual objectification (trophy wife) which is connected to colorism and pale women being chosen 8 times out of 10 for every black production where a young pretty woman is required.

Young black man 1 at the club: "She's gorgeous!"
Young black man 2 at the club: "She's not pretty. She's just light-skinned."

I've actually heard such an exchange more than once. And I read a black man's blog last week where he recommends sobering up or letting buddies pick out his bed mate for the night lest he wake up with a ugly pale woman in the morning -- and he wrote it without an ounce of shame.

Yes, I'm waiting for Bill Duke to put out DARK BOYS where most of the discussion will be about self-hatred and choosing black male friends that are a range of colors while all the women they want to know are pale...if not white.

But I'm not going to hold my breath. The black community is as collectively dedicated to seeing colorism as a black female pathology as the white community collectively is to seeing black poverty as the outcome of laziness and victim mentality. 


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