Sunday, September 30, 2018


Dear Coons For Cosby,

Bill Cosby hates you. He hates you for doing anything that reminds white people of any stereotype white folks created to demean us as black people. The truth of this is in The Pound Cake Speech and in a half dozen Cosby speeches beyond that one.

"...he’s an unfathomably wealthy and popular man filled with animus for black people, for black women, for poor black people, for black boys, for black teens, for black men, for black mothers who happen to be unmarried, for the children of black mothers who happen to be unmarried, for black people with “black-sounding” or “Muslim-sounding” names, for black men and boys without belts, for black men and boys who wear baseball caps backwards, for black men and boys killed by the police, for black women and girls who are sexually active, for black Christians, for black people who use AAVE, for black people arrested by the police, and for the parents of black people arrested by the police."
Bill Cosby hates you even more for doing anything to remind him that he's not as white as any white man.

And if he had been put on a jury, he'd have put your black @$$ in jail for almost anything under the sun if you where wearing a hoody in an inappropriate location or had your pants hanging halfway off your butt anywhere in these-here United States.

And this is precisely why so many white men LOVE COSBY as much as you do, if not more.

That is, many white men and Bill Cosby agree on the subject that black people are defective.

Most white men and Bill Cosby agree that white and almost-white women are the only attractive women on earth.

The majority of white men --2/3rds of which consistently vote republiKKKlan-- and Bill Cosby also agree that women are nothing, just vessels to be used sometimes sexually.

That's why, when a black person capes for Cosby, what they are actually doing is "cooning."
Don't believe me? Put your emotions aside and read on.


1. White men have protected Bill Cosby from these rape charges for decades.
Or do you think stan'-by-your-man Camille Cosby got that done somehow, all by her lonesome?  
Nah, son! White men protected Cosby because Cosby was making them tons and tons of money with movies and television shows he was creating. And, again, white men loved Cosby for every single one of those black self-hatred speeches.
2. More importantly white men don't care about the rape of white women.
Find video of last week's Kavanaugh Supreme Court "job interview" so you can watch white men fake some concern about what happened between Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court hopeful Brett Kavanaugh when she was just a teenage girl.

3. You know what the clincher is? Cosby's sentencing last week.
The thing that proves white men love Cosby and kinda despise their own white women is that Cosby only got 1.6 months in prison per woman he raped, despite the vast majority of them being white and with the most of the rest of them nearly as pale as Camille.  

4. Besides, if white men did NOT LOVE Cosby's black-people-hating ass, they'd have pulled an OJ on him.

That is, they would have put Cosby in prison for DECADES for ALL the white women he raped not just the one they convicted him for,same as OJ got put in prison for his wife's murder under that half-way bogus-ass robbery charge.

IF COSBY hadn't embraced whiteness from the very start

A. Cosby loves whiteness
B. Cosby loves whiteness-
... were light-bright biracial actresses
C. Cosby loves whiteness
D. Cosby loves whiteness
Again, white men love Cosby right back
They kept him out of prison when 12 women accused him of rape right along Andrea Constand in the early 2000s. And when Hannibal Buress brought the rapes back to light in 2014,Cosby didn't go to jail until 2018 -- for what will wind up being a hot minute. And they didn't pull an O J on Cosby when they could have.
And if I'm wrong, I'm still right.

If Cosby serves the whole 10 year sentence instead of the 3 year minimum as assumed, he still only gets 5 months per woman, most of them white women.

None of this white male hatred and disrespect for white women would be shocking to you if you knew your Black Female History.

Ida B Wells told us nearly 100 years ago, that rape accusations on the white supremacy battlefield is a game played between men.  
When Wells investigated the lynchings of black people in the early 20th century, more often than not she found out the dead black man in question had something a white man wanted to steal or destroy.  
When white men were inches from being called out on their theft and murder in front of British investors in cotton (for example) and others from outside the American South, white men find some white woman to claim she'd been raped.   
However, a lot of times Ida B Wells found that there wasn't any white woman involved at all. To cover up the murder, white men would put a rape accusation in the white run newspaper without even finding an white woman to play the role of victim.

It is more than a little ironic that so many black people are STILL trying say white racism is the reason Cosby is in jail when it's very likely it was Cosby's repeated appeals to white superiority and white male belief in male superiority that came together to save Bill Cosby from getting real prison time.
Many if not most white men, black men, and brown men still walk arm-in-arm against women when it comes to protecting rapists. And they almost always have white, black, and brown pick-me-s backing them up.

Cosby, McTwitterwit, Kavanaugh, R. Kelly
All of this is why the Toadstool Teenie Weenie is president and why R. Kelly is still running around free, black folks demanding his music be accessible on music streaming sites.
The excuse many black people use to protect R. Kelly, despite the very young age of his black female victims, is the same as the excuse they use for cooning for Cosby: They want black men to be able to rape black women without consequences same as white men do.  
But this is an inequality many black women have decided they can live without. Many of us are happy to put every black male rapist we can find under the prison -- regardless of what white women do with their rapists in their communities.
By the way, too many people, including patriarchy soaked female people, have made the point that the women Bill Cosby raped wanted something from him. 
All I can say to that is, "No kidding."  
Acting is a  jobs where networking and finding connections are involved. And a lot of that networking takes place at people's homes, hotel rooms, and restaurants. 
As quiet as it is not kept, men approach other men when they want something too. They're just a lot less likely to wind up raped because they found themselves alone with a powerful man posing as a harmless father figure.  
The days of a woman only being able to network in an office space while a man in the same career is able to make 4 times as many contacts with the same powerful man (able to help his career) by going to a bar, a restaurant, the man's home, or the man's hotel room are over.

The thing that's not over yet is the powerful man's ability to rape with impunity upwards of 95% of the time.  

Cosby, Bill Cosby What kind of black men cape for Cosby? Fat Men,
Skinny Men Men that climb on rocks Tough Men,
Silly Men Even men with chicken pox love 2 cape 4 Bill Cosby

...the man that loves to white

Despite my concern being centered on the black community, I acknowledge that in the era of #MeToo all women need to hang tough together.

If we don't Brett Kavanaugh is going to protect all rapists of all races from the highest court in the land.

In a week or so, maybe less, we're all going to see how powerful #MeToo is or isn't under the GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY PRESIDENT. Kavanugh will prevail despite the multiple women accusing of sexual assault and sexual misconduct or he won't.





On September 27, in a daylong, nationally televised hearing on whether accused sexual abuser Brett Kavanaugh should be put on the Supreme Court of the United States, the Republicans lost the women. But a generation will look like a short sentence and a region like the South a small setback in comparison to 52 percent of the voters in every congressional district who watched in horror and are now prepared to turn the Republicans out of office over it... 

Excuse me. I call bullsh*t

The GOP hasn't lost jack. And you know why? Because unacknowledged, low-key white supremacy is the tie that binds damn near forever

Look at this picture of white women sitting behind Kavanaugh. And they are behind him figuratively too.

This is a photo full of friends, family, and supporters. And these white women are looking at him while looking disgusted. Some have even interpreted his wife's facial expressions as looking at him with disdain during his testimony.

But, any way you slice it, republican white women are not going to break ranks and turn on Kavanaugh. I don't care how personally disgusted they are. They like Trump because he's a white supremacist, not in spite of him being one.

And the GOP's two white women senators (Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins) are trying to take white republican women's pulse right now --so they can know whether or not to vote to confirm Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice. So, in this moment, we don't know which way the white women of the GOP are swinging (temporarily).

And we won't...not until those two white female senators vote.

But no matter which way conservative white women vote in November, these white women will sashay their asses right back to the sides of the white men they are married to. Bet on it. No matter how many times those same white men clown them by voting against women's issues and casting votes that say "rape is not a big deal" white women align themselves with their white men.
White women have done this repeatedly, since the origins of this country, most recently in 2016.

Never forget that the majority of white women voted for GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY. The fact that this man is an obvious racist with a decades old history of being a racist had no impact on them at all

--which brings us right back to Kavanaugh.

If Trump's being a racist hasn't changed in 40 years then what makes anybody think Kavanaugh's being an attempted rapist --in attitude if not in deed -- has really changed?

The passage of time does change one's character alone.

Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony
She said someone she didn't see pushed her into a bedroom before Kavanaugh and Judge imprisoned her in it by locking the door. They threw her done on a bed. Kavanaugh laid on top of her, tried to get her clothes off, tried to rape her, and put his hand over his mouth when she tried to scream.  
This was in high school.  
But the accusations from other accusers talk about his college days (as a drunken white frat boy)  
This man doesn't belong
on the Supreme Court

If Trump is still racist-minded 40 years later
then it's more than possible that
Kavanaugh is still rapist-minded.

And if white feminists
(who are not that interested
in intersectionality)
cannot convince themselves
then convince white non-feminists
that time alone doesn't change character
based on Trump's racist performance,
if white feminists
don't even make the effort to
convince white non-feminists of this,
then white women, as a group,
are going to cut our throats again come November.

Those who don't learn from their recent history are doomed to repeat it sooner rather than later. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


This mix is a cocktail from hell,  BUT WE'RE STILL IN THIS FIGHT

After voting to push Kavanaugh's nomination forward in committee, GOP Senator Jeff Flake called for the FBI to re-open Brett Kavanaugh's background investigation. It's being said that protesters confronting him, asking him their being sexually assaulted doesn't matter is what prompted Flake to make this request.

However, Flake has been playing both ends against the middle for a while now. He wants to be anti-Trump while voting in step with what Trump wants 90% of the time. And yesterdays maneuvers? Moving Kavanaugh closer to the Supreme Court while looking all concerned and upset, then asking for the FBI probe was the best way to look like he's supporting  Dr. Blasey-Ford and remaining party loyal.

Gee, I wonder if he plans on running for president some day soon? Other than that, there's no reason for someone who is retiring from the Senate to play these kinds of games. 


As I've said before, every single man in the Senate knows what 1980s rape culture was like even if they didn't call it "rape culture." 

I remember having short but intense arguments with men in college at an Ivy League school, supposedly intelligent right?  In that era if a young woman was raped on a date in the 1980s, men in courts, male cops, boys on campus would argue there's no such thing as "date rape" 
Over and over again their argument was, "If she didn't want to have sex then why did she say yes to going on a date with him." Over and over again, males said "There's no such thing as date rape."      
So do you now understand what men were commonly getting away with in the 1980s?

Do you understand why it wasn't really safe for a girls to go to a college bar, frat  house, or a house party unless in pairs or in packs --if she wasn't a date?

Do you understand women in college weren't afraid of random men on the street but guys they were going to classes with?

Do you understand that guys could drink three or six beers and then blame their rape-like grabby approach to women on the alcohol?

Do you understand that every single man in congress knew a guy in college that was aggressive about getting girls drunk enough that they couldn't fight back against unwanted sexual contact -- if he wasn't THAT GUY himself? 

Do you understand that this attitude I'm describing is decades and decades old and that this is why Bill Cosby was able to do a comedy routine that involved drugging a woman in order to have sex with her?


The rape culture of the 1980s, explained by Sixteen Candles

Read More:

Except for Kavanaugh putting his hand over Ford's mouth to stop her screaming, Kavanaugh's behavior was common as dirt for the average have-the-world-by-the-ass white frat boy. 

Christine Blasey Ford was completely credible

As for Brett Kavanaugh, who was too cowardly to even watch Dr. Ford make her statement and resistant to having an FBI investigation done, I think he doth tearfully protest way too much.

But, Kavanaugh, formerly/currently a GOP operative, is a white man being put forth by the GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY PRESIDENT. So, I think he's going to wind up on the Supreme Court for life (if Kavanaugh doesn't wind up being impeached and removed from the bench).  But I think this happening so close to midterms is going to cost republicans just enough votes to give democrats a short at taking over the Senate. I'd say I'm hopeful but not that optimistic on that particular score. 

Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court may yet compromise the institution forever. But if the democrats do wind up taking over the House and the Senate, most of Trump's plans should be dead in the water 

-- including his attempts to undermine the Russia investigation.

All we can do now is protest while we wait and see...then vote those who offend us out of office.





Instructor Telling A Student ‘It’s OK to cry’ Is A Lesson Not Taught In Any School

"Pain is a part of life. You cannot escape feeling pain from time to time, be that emotional or physical. However, you can choose what the pain you experience will be for; for growing or for collapsing; what direction will you grow at."

Don’t run away from your emotions. Go through them!

Look at the boys in the background as you watch the video below. They are not laughing or teasing or looking ashamed of the boy that is crying. 

Either they haven't been taught toxic masculinity or they are unlearning it here. You can tell that the talk this man is having with this crying boy is normal in this room

But it isn't in most homes. And it's not just men teaching toxic masculinity. Women, especially Pick-Me-S, are patriarchy soaked and spreading the poison too.

The thing men need to realize this particular feminist focus is this: Killing off Toxic Masculinity will one day benefit men 10 times as much as it will women.


Friday, September 28, 2018


Feeling Rebloggy 
 Erika Alexander, most recently seen in the Jordan Peele’s Oscar-nominated film Get Out, has partnered with former Google exec Ben Arnon to launch Color Farm, a multi-platform content company.
The newly minted banner aims to feature a lineup of film, television and digital projects from [black and brown] creators.

Read More:


In case you were busy working yesterday, the republicans had a white female prosecutor ask Dr. Christine Blasey Ford about her attempted rape accusations against Brett Kavanaugh. This represents the civilized section of the 8 to 9 hour hearing. 

Dr. Ford's Account

At 15 years of age, she went to a pre-house party. Apparently start and last beyond her curfew. So party hadn't really started yet. She went upstairs to a bathroom. As she got outside the bathroom door, someone shoved her into a bedroom opposite the bathroom. After he or his friend locked the door, Brett Kavanaugh wound up on top of her, "grinding" on her while his friend Mark Judge kinda cheered him on, jumping on the bed himself occasionally. In fact, it was Mark Judge's jumping on the bed that made her and Kavanaugh fall off after Kavanaugh had his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. Having fallen off the bed, his weight off her she was able to escape into the bathroom across the hall.    
At some point after she heard them go downstairs, she ran downstairs and out of the house. 
She never told anybody.  
(And neither did I when I had a much lighter(?) version of the same thing happen to me. As I recall, I told a couple of close friends in college some 5 or 6 years later. But I don't know that I've ever told and relived the details of what happened to me since. Actually, I doubt I've told the humiliating details to anyone.)
Dr. Ford said the worst moment for her as a teenage girl was when the Kavanaugh and Judge were laughing as Kavanaugh pinned her down. (Yep...That was one of the stand out moments for me too)

Dr. Ford was calm and rational and completely believable as she told the prosecutor again and again that she was not mistaking Kavanaugh for someone else. So believable that republicans could not afford to have their neutral sounding prosecutor question Kavanaugh when it was his turn in the hot seat. 

Kavanaugh's Account
It wasn't me.    
Apparently, he was too afraid to watch Blasey-Ford testify so he didn't hear what she said. (Afraid to even try to remember eh?)
Kavanaugh "took the witness stand" (kidding) and gave a riveting performance that involved anger, outrage, and he got very near tears -- during a 20 minute grilling. 
On a side note, keep in mind Hillary Clinton didn't flinch for 11 hours when she was being raked over the coals over e-mails or some such nonsense. 
And if Blasey-Ford had cried she'd have been labeled "unstable Mabel" and not "raw" and "open" like Kavanaugh has been.

The democrats tried to get Kavanaugh to live up to the words of his opening statement where he said he was open to an investigation. Democrat after Democrat tried to get Kavanaugh to ask that his FBI Background Investigation be re-opened. He basically refused, Lindsey Graham's performative outrage giving Kavanaugh cover enough to not come right out and say, "No."

During the hearing Kavanaugh was asked several times if he drank enough to forget what he'd done. He said, "No..."

However, "friends" common to Kavanaugh and his second accuser Deborah Ramirez,  like Lynn Brookes and Dr. Elizabeth Swisher,  have said during news interviews that this is not credible. He ran with the basketball team and he was a hard partier and hard drinker. 

Reading between the lines, Kavanaugh was a ring leader in high school and college, which makes Kavanaugh's third accuser all the more believable. 
Julie Swetnick, a Washington resident represented by celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti, said in a sworn declaration that Kavanaugh was physically abusive toward girls in high school and present at a 1982 house party where she says she was the victim of a "gang rape." 
Neither Ramirez or Swetnick have had their claims investigated for congress' consideration. 

An organization representing Jesuits has withdrawn it's support for Kavanaugh, calling for an investigation.

The American Bar Association has called for an FBI Investigation into Kavanaugh as well.
None of this means a thing if the republicans have the votes. 

Even if someone on the main panel (like Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona) votes against Kavanaugh, if the larger body of republicans votes for Kavanaugh, he will be a Supreme Court Justice anyway. 

The only thing the GOP is doing now is taking the #MeToo- temperature of their base. To be specific, they are trying to see if republican women will abandon them at the polls in November if they support Kavanaugh.

I guess we'll see.

For the record, Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford are a heck of a lot braver than me. I'd would never have put myself through this.



Thursday, September 27, 2018


People didn’t know whether the image below was a Lysol ad or what.

Feeling Rebloggy

And they couldn’t figure out why Amara would make it a point to clean a house she doesn’t live in, a house that doesn’t belong to her, and presumably the house of another grown, able-bodied individual. 

In the modern era, men clean their own houses, not only women are out here working alongside them but because that’s just what responsible adults should be doing for themselves. Furthermore, if a man’s house is dirty, it’s not a reflection of the woman, it’s a reflection of his own triflingness. Period. Fullstop [Women were not put on this plant to absolve men of basic adulthood responsibilities]

For as much as I wanted to ride for Amara, she’s proven herself to be a “pick me.” 
If you’ve never heard the phrase before, a [pick-me] woman is one who tries to distinguish herself from other women with the intent of making herself appear more appealing [to men, by groveling at their feet, making sure she to say things that indicate she considers herself a human footstool whenever she's not doing her nightly impression of a latex blow up doll.*] 
If you’re wondering if you’ve ever been or continue to be a pick me or you just want to double-check and make sure you’re not embarrassing yourself...
Read More:


* The statement she made tends to indicate she's not using her head for much more than a wig stand and a place to play with make-up...and that's it.  And anybody who can't really use her brain to think beyond what she looks like and how she many men she can get to drool over her, may not do much more than lay there looking pretty when it comes to sex. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


feeling rebloggy

As a black girl in Philadelphia traveling to the suburbs to play tournaments, these rules had special significance for me. If I protested a point, I would be considered undisciplined or angry. “Tennis is a mental game,” my dad would say. “Don’t let them break you.”
I thought about those unwritten rules while watching Williams play in this year’s US Open final. After the referee gave her a warning for a minor code violation, she protested, leading to a more serious penalty from the umpire, who called her response “verbal abuse.” 
Williams was visibly frustrated, and her game never recovered. It was clear she wasn’t just upset about a single penalty. From 
Williams has been subject to discriminatory treatment for nearly two decades, simply for being a black woman in what is widely perceived as a white person’s game.
After the match, the angry black woman stereotype was repeatedly evoked to describe her frustration, and cartoonist Mark Knight depicted Williams as a racist caricature that resembled a monkey throwing a tantrum on the court.

As an attorney at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF), I know that the differential treatment black women receive from childhood takes a psychological toll. 
Last summer, LDF released a report documenting how black girls are more likely to be stereotyped as loud, angry and aggressive. 
When black girls challenge authority or violate norms, they are more likely to be punished at school for offenses subjectively labeled as defiant, disobedient, disrespectful and threatening. Like Serena, young black women are disciplined for wearing natural hairstyles, disproportionately targeted for increased surveillance and punished for dress code violations while similar clothing is interpreted as “innocent” when worn by girls of other races.