Sunday, September 30, 2018




On September 27, in a daylong, nationally televised hearing on whether accused sexual abuser Brett Kavanaugh should be put on the Supreme Court of the United States, the Republicans lost the women. But a generation will look like a short sentence and a region like the South a small setback in comparison to 52 percent of the voters in every congressional district who watched in horror and are now prepared to turn the Republicans out of office over it... 

Excuse me. I call bullsh*t

The GOP hasn't lost jack. And you know why? Because unacknowledged, low-key white supremacy is the tie that binds damn near forever

Look at this picture of white women sitting behind Kavanaugh. And they are behind him figuratively too.

This is a photo full of friends, family, and supporters. And these white women are looking at him while looking disgusted. Some have even interpreted his wife's facial expressions as looking at him with disdain during his testimony.

But, any way you slice it, republican white women are not going to break ranks and turn on Kavanaugh. I don't care how personally disgusted they are. They like Trump because he's a white supremacist, not in spite of him being one.

And the GOP's two white women senators (Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins) are trying to take white republican women's pulse right now --so they can know whether or not to vote to confirm Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice. So, in this moment, we don't know which way the white women of the GOP are swinging (temporarily).

And we won't...not until those two white female senators vote.

But no matter which way conservative white women vote in November, these white women will sashay their asses right back to the sides of the white men they are married to. Bet on it. No matter how many times those same white men clown them by voting against women's issues and casting votes that say "rape is not a big deal" white women align themselves with their white men.
White women have done this repeatedly, since the origins of this country, most recently in 2016.

Never forget that the majority of white women voted for GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY. The fact that this man is an obvious racist with a decades old history of being a racist had no impact on them at all

--which brings us right back to Kavanaugh.

If Trump's being a racist hasn't changed in 40 years then what makes anybody think Kavanaugh's being an attempted rapist --in attitude if not in deed -- has really changed?

The passage of time does change one's character alone.

Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony
She said someone she didn't see pushed her into a bedroom before Kavanaugh and Judge imprisoned her in it by locking the door. They threw her done on a bed. Kavanaugh laid on top of her, tried to get her clothes off, tried to rape her, and put his hand over his mouth when she tried to scream.  
This was in high school.  
But the accusations from other accusers talk about his college days (as a drunken white frat boy)  
This man doesn't belong
on the Supreme Court

If Trump is still racist-minded 40 years later
then it's more than possible that
Kavanaugh is still rapist-minded.

And if white feminists
(who are not that interested
in intersectionality)
cannot convince themselves
then convince white non-feminists
that time alone doesn't change character
based on Trump's racist performance,
if white feminists
don't even make the effort to
convince white non-feminists of this,
then white women, as a group,
are going to cut our throats again come November.

Those who don't learn from their recent history are doomed to repeat it sooner rather than later. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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