Monday, September 17, 2018


From NBC
" A lawyer for the woman who is accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in the 1980s said Monday that her client believes his actions were "attempted rape" and she's willing to testify publicly about it.
"She believes that if it were not for the severe intoxication of Brett Kavanaugh, she would have been raped," attorney Debra Katz said on "Today."
Katz added that her client, Christine Blasey Ford, is "willing to do whatever it takes," including testifying before members of Congress about her allegations and that her coming forward is "not a politically motivated action." "
Brett Kavanaugh

Apparently Ford had decided NOT to come forward publicly after she told Diane Feinstein about Kavanaugh's character. But other politicians's representatives or reporters learned her name and sought her out. A professor, those seeking information from Ford came to her classrooms. The publicity she sought to avoid tracked her down anyway. So, she came forward.

If I was her? I seriously doubt I'd have put myself through this. As serious as the appointment to the supreme court is, I feel like it'll likely be for nothing.  It'll mostly be men that will making the decision as to whether Kavanaugh's behavior was abhorrent or whether his actions in high school was just a matter of boys-will-be-boys. 

-- even though Kavanaugh allegedly put his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream for help. The only reason he couldn't fully execute the rape, according to his accuser, is that he was too drunk. 

In this era of #MeToo even the men of the republican party have to be a little careful before they write this attempted rape off as youthful male exuberance. Ford didn't tell very many people about the attempted rape -- most of us women don't. But she did tell the details of the attack during some sort of couples counseling in 2012. So there's a record of the event even thought Kavanaugh's name wasn't mentioned. 

So far Kavanaugh hasn't admitted whether he knew the woman or not.

On the news someone said Kavanaugh took a polygraph test to prove he's not lying about having attacked this woman. It was reportedly given to Kavanaugh by an ex FBI agent. Why an ex-FBI agent?  Even if a polygraph isn't admissible evidence or something why wasn't there an official polygraph test given by a real FBI agent?  

  • Was the polygraph test done undercover just in case Kavanaugh didn't pass?
  • Was the polygraph test done in the dark because they did test 9 times before Kavanugh passed the 10th time? 
  • What's with the shady polygraph test?

The bottom line is this: Most men don't believe rape is rape. When people describe rape to some men, you can almost see the wheels turning in their heads as they start thinking, 'I've done that. My buddy Sam has done that.' and then the words "That's not rape" comes out. Worse than that there have been studies that show that a lot more men would force women to have sex (rape) if wasn't against the law.  

[A] recent study on male college students’ attitudes toward rape led by Sarah Edwards of the University of North Dakota and published in Violence and Gender, the authors cite research first conducted in the 1980s:
Specifically, when survey items describe behaviors (i.e.,‘‘Have you ever coerced somebody to intercourse by holding them down?’’) instead of simply label them (i.e., ‘‘Have you ever raped somebody?’’), more men will admit to sexually coercive behaviors in the past and more women will self-report past victimization. 
Edwards and her team wanted to better understand the male side of this gap — that is, why men react differently (and divulge different information) depending on the wording — so they had a group of college men fill out a few surveys. 
One asked them which sorts of behaviors they would engage in “if nobody would ever know and there wouldn’t be any consequences.” It included items that both used the word rape and that instead described the act of forcing someone to have sex against their will without using the r-word itself...

Read More:

It's going to be interesting to see the democrats can even get the republicans who control the House and Senate to even back off long enough to listen to what this woman has to say. But I'm not terribly hopeful about the outcome. 

I keep hearing -- "It was 36 years ago. It was 36  years ago" ---as if that makes a rape attempt not a rape attempt. We cannot put a man on the supreme court who would look at someone like Brock Turner and decide that the alcohol is responsible for the rape. 

Funny how men will believe that alcohol can make man insane and not responsible for their actions when rape is involved. But they have no answer for how it is normal women don't get drunk, pull out their gun or knife and force men to have sex. 
When women DO perform such behavior, drunk or not, they are deviants that must be punished. They don't get put into a category of girls-will-be-girls, patted on the head and excused -- whether 36 years or 36 minutes have passed since the sexual assault.
As it stands most of our elected male officials seem perfectly willing to put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court for life even if somebody pops up with video of the attempted rape.

And this is entirely because men do not think of rape, especially date rape or rapes at parties, as real crimes. Women are not going to see justice on certain matters until women are at least 50% of the United States' power structure.

It's going to be interesting to see if Chrstine Blasey Ford can connect to the outrage of the #MeToo movement and slow the republicans roll toward confirming Kavanaugh. I think the only way that happens is if this reluctant witness decides to do interviews either today or tomorrow.

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