Thursday, October 26, 2017


It's no coincidence that 57% of white people voted for Trump.  in fact, if I had a time machine, I'd bet you a million dollars the entire 57% of whites would be willing to say White Americans face discrimination. 

Nothing to see here.

This is what happens when you have white privilege, see it as normal and something you're entitled to, and are willing to kill to keep it.

If I had the same time machine, I'd be willing to bet ya another million that 95% of whites would have said the same thing the day after the Civil War ended.

And I bet up to 70% would have the same thing at the end of The Civil Rights Movement too.  

And if you took the time machine back to the end of Ronald Reagan's reign of terror in the 1980s, you'd see that the number of whiny white folks crying about their inability quasi-enslave black folks and get them to bow and scrape back up to 85% again.
You know that's why Sandra Bland was arrested right? Failure to bow and scrape. 
You know that's why she's dead and a lot of white people think she deserves to be dead, right? 
You know that's why the man who arrested her, lied about his actions, created the circumstances of her death walked away. White folks understood that Sandra Bland should have been bowing and scraping. 
This is what it takes for white folks to NOT feel discriminated against. 
So the number of white people feeling discriminated against is all the way down to 55% Wow! I guess you could say white people, as a group, are making improvements on their white racism at a glacial speed.

The rest of us should see at least 10% improvement of white racism no later than January 1, 2957.


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